Monday, 2022-02-28

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tpb<s​f-slack> <kgugala> As you all know SymbiFlow moved under the wings of CHIPS Alliance / Linux Foundation under a new name "F4PGA" (which stands for "FOSS Flow For FPGAs"). Because of that we are retiring our own github organization (moving the repos around to the new organization as well as directly to This will still take some time as we have lots of repos and lots of CIs.17:59
tpb<s​f-slack> Meanwhile the new channel on the CHIPS Alliance slack [] (bridged with an IRC on Libera [#f4pga]) is where the discussions will move to and this slack / channel will be retired. You can join CHIPS Alliance Slack with
*** kraiskil <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow20:03
tpb<c​r1901> xiretza[m]: Re: your question, I never saw a follow up paper21:45
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