Thursday, 2022-02-17

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow00:00
tpb<l​kcl> marzoul, you can use a proxy/bouncer such as bnc4you which is entirely free to use for Libera, and, also, Libera themselves have a matrix bridge set up. you can see a number of people with [m] on the end11:52
tpb<l​kcl> which means they're being bounced/relayed from a matrix account. both solutions will mean you can come back later and receive IRC conversations stored-and-forwarded for you11:53
tpb<l​kcl> marzoul, tnt, it's very common in ASICs to have testing / production failures: for example in the Foundry someone banged their coffee cup too hard, caused a ripple, and the laser went skewy and created an incorrect transistor11:55
tpb<l​kcl> (ok that's a silly example, but a minor earthquake or some power fluctuations isn't)11:56
tpb<l​kcl> rather than chuck the entire design out, what they do is: test the ASIC, then either cut off bits that fail, or just mark it as a "lower resource or lower performance part"11:56
tpb<l​kcl> so yes, although the 35t might actually be the exact same die as the 50t, if you were to try actually *using* the "unused" 15k resources it is highly likely that you'd encounter an "inexplicable failure" because of a faulty transistor or faulty track11:59
tpb<l​kcl> from a commercial perspective it should be obvious why this is standard practice right across the ASIC industry :)11:59
tpb<n​imh> Hi - I still have some questions regarding the fasm_params in the pb_type.xml13:12
tpb<n​imh> are they to map to the entries in the prjxray-db?13:13
tpb<n​imh> e.g. for the dsp I see files like prjxray-db/artix7/segbits_dsp_r.db13:14
tpb<n​imh> it has entries like DSP_R.DSP48.DSP_0.ZAREG_2_ACASCREG_1 26_13913:14
tpb<n​imh> It's still not clear to me how I map the synthesis attributes to this kind of thing13:15
tpb<n​imh> or am I barking up the wrong tree?13:16
tpb<n​imh> is this what I should be reading?
tpb<t​pb> Title: segbits files — Project X-Ray 0.0-3534-g5349556b documentation (at

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