Tuesday, 2022-02-15

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow00:00
tpb<Y​ura> Hey folks , really happy to discover this community and want to contribute a bit . For now unfortunately i'm a bit stuck with basic tools stuff . Can some one advice on good starting tutorial ? (I have background with HW, logic and a little bit of SW )09:17
tpb<n​imh> Hi Yura, I just got started too.  Do you have any of the devel boards?09:39
tpb<n​imh> ah - missed them...09:40
tpb<b​l0x_> Question: what's the general status/interest of supporting older xilinx devices such as Spartan 6 with the open toolchain? Symbiotic EDA mentions experimental support in their web page, but no details. 11:21
tpb<b​l0x_> Is there a project similar to prjxray that is not easily discoverable?11:22
tpb<m​arzoul> bl0x_ : it should be relatively straightforward to add spartan6, given that the first spartan7 chip was just added recently. You could look into the commit and try adapting it to spartan6 perhaps11:58
tpb<m​arzoul> except... is spartan6 sill supported by vivado2017.2 ? Because the DB generation scripts are locked to that version for technical reasons11:59
tpb<n​imh> when I'm trying to create model.xml and pb_type.xml is this the right thing to do:12:00
tpb<n​imh> <pb_type name="DSP48E1" blif_model=".subckt DSP48E1_VPR" num_pb="1">12:00
tpb<n​imh>   <model name="DSP48E1_VPR">12:01
tpb<c​r1901> Spartan 6 is mostly ISE12:01
tpb<n​imh> the pb_type .subckt is the model name in model.xml?12:01
tpb<c​r1901> bl0x_: Spartan 3 and 6 are being done by someone (not me). It's not a public project, but I know someone is working on it12:01
tpb<c​r1901> Sorry that my source is "just trust me" :P12:01
tpb<t​nt> mostly ? It's only ISE AFAIK.12:02
tpb<c​r1901> There's some weird Windows 10-only version of Vivado for S6 devices12:04
tpb<c​r1901> And _only_ S6 devices ._.12:04
tpb<t​nt> ?!? Got a link to that, I've never seen it.12:06
tpb<c​r1901> Oh... it doesn't exist. Because it's ISE... whoops :D https://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_7/ug1227-spartan6-vm-windows10.pdf12:07
tpb<n​imh> also, I see there are fasm_params, and they look like they map to synthesis attributes, but where do I find which fasm_params exist?12:13
tpb<b​l0x_> cr1901: thanks, that means any effort spent on it would be doubled at the moment. Is there a chance the project will be made public in the future? I take it there are commercial reasons to keep it closed for now?15:09

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