Saturday, 2022-02-12

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tpb<m​arzoul> Hi all19:00
tpb<m​arzoul> I'm new here, trying to contribute to prjxray with a new fabric reference xc7a75t19:00
tpb<m​arzoul> I'm hitting fuzzer005 failure with a preliminary settings file adapted to the chip internals19:02
tpb<m​arzoul> so I'm now wondering if I missed some necessary settings in settings file19:02
tpb<m​arzoul> In particular in an existing settings for chip 50t19:03
tpb<m​arzoul> I don't get what these variables are supposed to mean :19:04
tpb<m​arzoul> XRAY_ROI=19:04
tpb<m​arzoul> XRAY_ROI_GRID_X1=19:04
tpb<m​arzoul> XRAY_ROI_GRID_X2=19:04
tpb<m​arzoul> XRAY_ROI_GRID_Y1=19:04
tpb<m​arzoul> XRAY_ROI_GRID_Y2=19:04
tpb<m​arzoul> Anyone has insights about that ?19:05
tpb<m​arzoul> Curiously these variables are present for some fabrics such as 50t, but not for 200t ...19:05
tpb<m​ithro> undulate (a Python renderer for the wavedrom format) recently added console rendering output -> which could be useful for SymbiFlow in some way?20:02

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