Wednesday, 2022-02-02

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow00:00
tpb<s​f-slack> <torsten.reuschel> An update on using nextpnr-xilinx to generate a bitstream for Genesys2/xc7k325t, cf. below.  ```${XRAY_UTILS_DIR}/ --part xc7k325tffg900-2 --db-root ${XRAY_UTILS_DIR}/../database/kintex7 blinky.fasm > blinky.frames Traceback (most recent call last):   File "prjxray/utils/", line 315, in <module>     main()   File "prjxray/utils/", line 303, in main     run(   File01:44
tpb<s​f-slack> "prjxray/utils/", line 188, in run     assembler.parse_fasm_filename(filename_in, extra_features=extra_features)   File "prjxray/prjxray/", line 190, in parse_fasm_filename     raise FasmLookupError('\n'.join(missing_features)) prjxray.fasm_assembler.FasmLookupError: Segment DB RIOB18, key RIOB18.IOB_Y0.LVCMOS12_LVCMOS15_LVCMOS18.SLEW.SLOW not found from line01:44
tpb<s​f-slack> 'RIOB18_X95Y75.IOB_Y0.LVCMOS12_LVCMOS15_LVCMOS18.SLEW.SLOW' Segment DB RIOB18, key RIOB18.IOB_Y0.LVCMOS12_LVCMOS15_LVCMOS18_SSTL135_SSTL135_DCI_SSTL15_SSTL15_DCI.IN_ONLY not found from line 'RIOB18_X95Y75.IOB_Y0.LVCMOS12_LVCMOS15_LVCMOS18_SSTL135_SSTL135_DCI_SSTL15_SSTL15_DCI.IN_ONLY' [...]```01:44
tpb<s​f-slack> <torsten.reuschel> Output seems to point to an issue with the documented cells. Does this point us back to doing a better job at documenting, i.e. building prjxray-db? Full details for reproducing output and output log are documented here:
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tpb<s​f-slack> <torsten.reuschel> FYI: efforts in tinkering with Kintex7 are now centralized and discussed at
tpb<s​f-slack> <eddy.gta17> I would check once I have physical access to the device again.14:59
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tpb<l​kcl> hi folks a few months ago one of our team kindly created an automated install procedure for symbiflow (that does not use conda)21:08
tpb<t​pb> Title: Git - dev-env-setup.git/blob - symbiflow-install (at
tpb<l​kcl> i can now confirm that it successfully builds the counter_test for the arty a7-100t21:08

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