Monday, 2022-01-17

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tpb<b​l0x_> timo.callahan: I'm currently looking into getting the cmod a7 35t to work in litex. But I don't have the 15t.10:34
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> @kgugala any news about merging the Quicklogic changes into upstream Symbiflow?17:42
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> I’ve successfully tackled the script to run it thru FuseSoc :)17:43
tpb<s​f-slack> <carlosedp> I’ve collected those issues in a Gist here: Updated it with what’s already done21:42
tpb<b​l0x_> I'm trying to run litex on the cmod_a7_35. It compiles and runs fine with Vivado backend, but when using symbiflow, I somehow get a non-working image (no led chaser, no lxterm response). Other (simple) amaranth or VHDL runs just fine on the board via symbiflow. From my timestamps it looks as if I last updated symbiflow on Nov 16th.22:04
tpb<b​l0x_> Ah, that's the arch-defs from Nov, but symbiflow itself was updated in early Dec. I'm also making a fresh install right now to check if the problem persists.22:18
tpb<b​l0x_> I can confirm the same behaviour on a fresh install of symbiflow and litex.22:39

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