Monday, 2022-01-10

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow00:00
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web-55Is this the SymbiFlow organisation's channel?10:52
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tpb<s​f-slack3> <acomodi> 13w​eb-55: Hi! yes it is11:24
-_whitenotifier-700a- [symbiflow-examples] betocool-prog opened issue #240: What is a suitable editor for Symbiflow projects? -
*** web-55 <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow16:01
tpb<s​f-slack3> <apond308> Hi, I am looking to add a new architecture to Symbiflow through symbiflow-arch-defs, is there somewhere I can find documentation on how to add a new architecture and tests for it?16:14
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web-55Hi, I am new to open source contributions. I know python , Javascript, C. Can someone guide me on how to get started?17:36
web-55in Symbiflow contributions17:36
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