Sunday, 2021-12-19

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tpb<n​ickoe> Hello14:37
tpb<n​ickoe> I am tying to install the symbiflow toolchain (in a custom dockerfile), but I get this error when following the instructions from
tpb<t​pb> Title: Getting SymbiFlow — SymbiFlow examples documentation (at
tpb<n​ickoe>  conda env create -f $FPGA_FAM/environment.yml14:38
tpb<n​ickoe> EnvironmentFileNotFound: '/opt/xc7/environment.yml' file not found14:38
tpb<n​ickoe> mm, so it depends on symbilfow-examples??
tpb<n​ickoe> bruh, 20 GB for the toolchain15:19
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tpb<n​ickoe> Does symbiflow (prjxray) support xc7a35t-csg324-1?19:52
tpb<g​we> nickoe: you have to be in symbiflow-examples directory yep19:59
tpb<g​we> see: for example19:59
tpb<n​ickoe> gwe: thanks. I did get it installed in the end, but it is good to know it is only the requriements.txt and evnironment.yaml from symbiflow-exmples that are strictly required.20:05
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