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tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> Hello everyone :) | 15:39 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> Hey @unai.martinezcorral… I’m testing the latest Symbiflow docker images for Quicklogic EOS | 15:39 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> I’m getting an error on symbiflow_pack with latest ones… : ```Type: Blif file File: Toplevel.eblif Line: 1989 Message: Failed to find matching architecture model for 'qlal4s3b_cell_macro'``` | 15:43 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> My Verilog is: ```qlal4s3b_cell_macro u_qlal4s3b_cell_macro ( .Clk_C16 (clko), // we expect 25Mhz but the default 24Mhz from MCU is close :) .Clk_C16_Rst (), .Clk_C21 (), .Clk_C21_Rst () );``` as it changed recently | 15:44 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <mkurc> Hi @carlosedp It looks like the `qlal4s3b_cell_macro` does not get techmapped properly. Could you paste a link to the version you are using ? | 15:48 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> ```root@eb74749d0141:/src# yosys --version Yosys 0.9+2406 (git sha1 d282be04, x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fmessage-length=0 -march=nocona -mtune=haswell -ftree-vectorize -fPIC -fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt -O2 -ffunction-sections | 15:49 |
tpb | <sf-slack> -fdebug-prefix-map=/home/runner/work/conda-eda/conda-eda/workdir/conda-env/conda-bld/quicklogic-yosys_1625138793175/work=/usr/local/src/conda/quicklogic-yosys-0.8.0_105_gd282be04 -fdebug-prefix-map=/usr/local/envs/eos-s3=/usr/local/src/conda-prefix -fPIC -Os) root@eb74749d0141:/src# root@eb74749d0141:/src# vpr --version VPR FPGA Placement and Routing. Version: 8.1.0-dev+e73e88940 Revision: 8.0.0-4023-ge73e88940 Compiled: | 15:49 |
tpb | <sf-slack> 2021-07-01T11:51:56 Compiler: GNU 9.3.0 on Linux-4.15.0-1113-azure x86_64 Build Info: Release IPO PGO VTR_ASSERT_LEVEL=2``` | 15:49 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> @carlosedp hmm.... The procedure used to install eos-s3 resources is the following: mkdir symbiflow-examples curl -fsSL https://codeload.github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/tar.gz/master | tar xzf - -C symbiflow-examples --strip-components=1 conda env create -f ./symbiflow-examples/eos-s3/environment.yml rm -rf symbiflow-examples curl -fsSL | 15:50 |
tpb | <sf-slack> https://storage.googleapis.com/symbiflow-arch-defs-install/quicklogic-arch-defs-63c3d8f9.tar.gz | tar -xzC /usr/local --strip-components=1 | 15:50 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> BTW, the package missed _symbiflow_write_binary from `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QuickLogic-Corp/symbiflow-arch-defs/master/quicklogic/common/toolchain_wrappers/symbiflow_write_binary`_ | 15:51 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> I'm thinking that maybe the makefiles/tuttest in symbiflow-examples do not like the '--strip-components=1' in the end. I found that xc7 packages don't have a root directory, but the eos-s3 does have it. | 15:51 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> and I had to load the path with `ENV PATH=_/usr/local/envs/eos-s3/bin/:_$PATH` | 15:51 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> yes, the xilinx tools don’t have a prefix path :) | 15:52 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> and the EOS ones do… | 15:52 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> I will look into that! | 15:52 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> I did: ```FROM gcr.io/hdl-containers/symbiflow/eos-s3 RUN curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QuickLogic-Corp/symbiflow-arch-defs/master/quicklogic/common/toolchain_wrappers/symbiflow_write_binary > /usr/local/bin/symbiflow_write_binary && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/symbiflow_write_binary ENV PATH=/usr/local/envs/eos-s3/bin/:$PATH``` | 15:52 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> ;) | 15:52 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> With regard to the env PATH. If you use a login shell (i.e. use 'docker run -it'), everything should be sourced implicitly. | 15:53 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> Because the symbiflow_packages package doesn’t pull that writebinary script | 15:53 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> That should be fixed in the package creation, not in the containers, isn't it? | 15:54 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> ```❯ docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/src -w /src gcr.io/hdl-containers/symbiflow/eos-s3 yosys docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "yosys": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown. ❯ docker run -it --rm -v $(PWD):/src -w /src gcr.io/hdl-containers/symbiflow/eos-s3 vpr docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime | 15:55 |
tpb | <sf-slack> create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "vpr": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown.``` | 15:55 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> This is the list of "binaries" I am expecting to exist in the eos-s3 package/toolchain: https://github.com/hdl/containers/blob/main/test/symbiflow--eos-s3.sh | 15:55 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> Hmmm I wonder if that is related to the strip-components... | 15:56 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> ah yes, probably shoud… i’ll open an issue to symbiflow_examples repo | 15:56 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> The same command does work for xc7, isn't it? | 15:56 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <mkurc> I think I know what the problem is. The cell `qlal4s3b_cell_macro` in yosys (actually in the QuickLogic yosys plugin) is declared with ports named as in your design. But in symbiflow it is expected that those clock and reset pins are named `Sys_Clk0` and `Sys_Clk1` respectively. So something went out of sync. | 15:56 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> @mkurc, in the containers, I am using "latest" miniconda and "latest" arch-defs packages from https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/symbiflow-arch-defs-gha;tab=objects?authuser=0&prefix=&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=false. Maybe I can do something there to ensure that things don't go out of sync? | 15:57 |
tpb | <tpb> Title: Google Cloud Platform (at console.cloud.google.com) | 15:57 |
-_whitenotifier-2553- [symbiflow-examples] carlosedp opened issue #224: symbiflow_write_binary not added to package for Quicklogic - https://git.io/JD4V8 | 15:59 | |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> Also, recently the tool wrappers have been updated to accept the command line argument files: https://github.com/QuickLogic-Corp/symbiflow-arch-defs/pull/548 | 16:01 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <mkurc> @unai.martinezcorral Hm, the best way it to have all the packages in versions used in https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs master. There is a CI there which ensures integrity. | 16:01 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> With this PR, the wrappers can be used by tools like Edalize (from FuseSoc) and be called individually instead of using `ql_symbiflow` | 16:01 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> also their wrapper scripts are outdated.. | 16:02 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> doesn’t work with files from command line. .. only thru env vars | 16:02 |
-_whitenotifier-2553- [symbiflow-examples] carlosedp opened issue #225: Quicklogic wrapper scripts in last packages doesn't support command line arguments correctly - https://git.io/JD4wV | 16:04 | |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/issues/225 | 16:04 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> Opened https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/issues/225 | 16:04 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> haven’t used latest versions on xilinx | 16:07 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> @mkurc are the `symbiflow-toolchain-latest`, `symbiflow-xc7*_test-latest` and `symbiflow-ql-eos-s3_wlcsp-latest` packages from https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/symbiflow-arch-defs-gha guaranteed to be compatible? I guess those are the artifacts of symbiflow-arch-defs, isn't it? Apart from that, how can I know which version of Conda do they need? | 16:08 |
tpb | <tpb> Title: Google Cloud Platform (at console.cloud.google.com) | 16:08 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> should I open an issue? if yes… on which repo? | 16:08 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <mkurc> @unai.martinezcorral Right. But I recall that there were some fixes which got merged into the QuickLogic Symbiflow fork and are not yet present on the Symbiflow master. | 16:10 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> Thanks! | 16:10 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <mkurc> I think you can open there https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs | 16:12 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <unai.martinezcorral> @carlosedp I need to leave for some hours. I'll continue with the eos-s3 when I come back. | 16:24 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> no probs… ping me over here and we keep talking :) | 16:24 |
tpb | <sf-slack> <carlosedp> @mkurc is the quicklogic arch-defs tree pulled into symbiflow tree regularly? From which tree are the packages generated from? | 17:36 |
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tpb | <bl0x> question: oss-cad-suite, looks (at first glance) pretty similar to symbiflow. Do the projects profit from one another? What's the reason to have them separate? Or, is that like asking why there are multiple Linux distros? | 22:41 |
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