Friday, 2021-07-09

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #symbiflow00:00
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-_whitenotifier-c499- [prjxray] gatecat opened issue #1706: Timing unit inconsistencies -
-_whitenotifier-c499- [sv-tests] wsnyder opened issue #1618: Dashboard runner false-fail with NUL characters -
*** maartenBE <maartenBE!~maartenBE@freenode/user/maartenBE> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)16:01
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sf-slack<benjamin.h.maitland> What's the best way to get started helping with project x-ray? I looked over the repo for a bit and I didn't really see anything besides instructions for setting up the tools. I have a Nexys A7 and am willing to donate some compute too.16:50
sf-slack<anuragmuttur123> Let me know if more information is required.17:51

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