Wednesday, 2021-06-23

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sf-slack<acomodi> @mithro ping for the prjxray-db update07:32
sf-slack<mgielda> @mithro the link is there  just not first up08:32
sf-slack<mgielda> lets move it up and expose it more @kgugala08:32
sf-slack<mgielda> work with the mktg team to do this plz08:32
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-_whitenotifier-f666- [fpga-interchange-tests] acomodi opened issue #34: Add prjoxide from conda -
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tpb<m​ithro> @mgielda Really needs to be the first and only link with a teaser that makes people click it.14:55
tpb<m​ithro> @mgielda Too many people ending up at the developer stuff when they just want to get started with blinky14:56
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sf-slack<pgielda> Lets move symbiflow-examples to the top!16:29
sf-slack<kgugala> @mgielda @mithro can we simply change the "Start Using" link to direct to
tpbTitle: Welcome to SymbiFlow examples! — SymbiFlow examples documentation (at
tpb<m​ithro> kgugala: Maybe16:50
tpb<m​ithro> acomodi: How does look?17:00
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sf-slack<acomodi> mithro: diff looks good17:46
tpb<m​ithro> acomodi: Should be pushed now...18:27
-_whitenotifier-f666- [symbiflow-website] kgugala opened issue #64: Migrate CI to GH actions -
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sf-slack<acomodi> mithro: great, thanks19:14
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sf-slack<benglines1> @mithro19:59
tpb<m​ithro> benglines1 ?19:59
sf-slack<benglines1> @mithro  Sorry, accidentally sent a blank message. We have some Symbiflow related modules (Project X-Ray, FASM, bit2fasm, fasm2bels, symbiflow-examples, VTR)  on the BYU Computing Boot Camp under the "Open FPGA CAD" tab, and I understand that we might want to add some links from the Symbiflow side to our website. Are there good places for these links? Maybe in the README's  for each20:06
sf-slackof these tools so it shows up on their GitHub pages?20:06
tpbTitle: Home • Immerse Computing Bootcamp (at
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