Monday, 2021-06-07

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tpb<jophish> even better, just drop the freenode channel...05:14
tpb<yeti> ++05:14
tpb<yeti> meanwhile something like this may help:
tpb<tpb> Title: WeeChat (at
tpb<jophish> hmm, I can toggle tpb's messages wholesale (in Element). Guess that'll have to do05:17
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sf-slack<hadirkhan10> Hi guys, I have seen examples of PicoSoC on the symbiflow-examples github repository. I was thinking of adding the example of building Picofoxy. Any head start for this? Just need to open a PR for adding this support?11:14
sf-slack<hadirkhan10> It'll be the first SoC based on Chisel to be included :)11:15
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sf-slack<kgugala> @hadirkhan10 the whole eexamples repo is tested from the docs, so if you want to add sth you basically need to extend the docs with a guide how to build the example13:30
sf-slack<kgugala> we use `tuttest` to extract code snippets from the documentation13:30
sf-slack<kgugala> and simply run those snippets in CI13:31
sf-slack<kgugala> I suppose you need to write some guide how to install all the stuff you need to build the CPU (Java, sbt etc.)13:31
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sf-slack<hadirkhan10> Let's see how far I can go with this procedure ,:)14:21
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sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> I just want to ask, does anyone here has post simulation running with arty-35 with modelsim?16:27
sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> with symbiflow16:27
sf-slack<acomodi> Hi @vastarparaakshar, I believe you meant post synthesis, but anyways, given that during synthesis the cells get tech-mapped to VPR-compatible cells, the synthesis output netlist cannot be used with xc7 simulation libraries. I think though that it should be doable to get the original netlist with fasm2bels and simulate that one16:31
tpbTitle: Post-Implementation Timing Simulation — SymbiFlow (at
sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> So you meant to say the primitives that needs to be supplied, can be generated using fasm2bels?16:38
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sf-slack<nelson> @gatecat Thanks for the explanation.  The reducing code path differences between families makes sense…18:19
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