Saturday, 2021-05-29

*** tpb has joined #symbiflow00:00
emilazyare there any plans for this channel/the bridge to move off freenode given recent events?00:25
cr1901_modernemilazy: They are working on it, AFAIK00:48
cr1901_modernemilazy: There _is_ a #symbiflow on libera already, modded by gatecat. mithro is also there. But the topic is empty00:53
cr1901_modernSo waiting for more ppl to join I guess?00:54
emilazythanks for letting me know, joined :)01:02
emilazymithro: ping, as the channel founder / logbot runner :)01:03
emilazyif you don't know about the recent happenings, has a summary of most of it (although not including their recent seizure of e.g. the Wikipedia channels)01:04
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sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> `make: *** [Makefile:53: build/arty_35/] Error 1` `make: Leaving directory '/home/vegg/Documents/FPGA/symbiflow-examples/xc7/counter_test'`14:09
sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> This is some error i am gettign w14:09
sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> while i am creating a virtual clock in .xdc file14:09
sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> So my question is using symbiflow we can not create virtual clock?14:10
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sf-slack<kgugala> @vastarparaakshar can you provide a minimal example of what you're doing? Preferably, please open an issue and attach the example there16:40
sf-slack<vastarparaakshar> ok17:08
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