Monday, 2020-12-14

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-_whitenotifier- [symbiflow-examples] rw1nkler opened issue #93: Improve automation in CI / CI checking scripts -
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-_whitenotifier- [symbiflow-examples] rw1nkler opened issue #94: Generate a CI build matrix automatically -
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-_whitenotifier- [symbiflow-examples] rw1nkler opened issue #95: Improve the quality of images in the sphinx-based documentation -
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-_whitenotifier- [symbiflow-examples] mithro opened issue #96: Build badge is broken -
-_whitenotifier- [fpga-interchange-constraints] mithro opened issue #7: Move github actions to use shared license / Python checks -
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litghostcr1901_modern: Because the arch-defs ice40 stuff is undeveloped right now, we don't generate install packages right now like we do for the xc7 and quicklogic arch's.  You could add the stuff needed for that, but it isn't something that is going to be done otherwise.17:31
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HackerFooI can't add reviewers, but here's my PR for a VTR with PGO package at litex-hub:
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