Saturday, 2020-11-07

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-_whitenotifier-f- [prjxray] fox6666 opened issue #1490: PR bitstream size -
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whitequarkmithro: i figured out why the conda installer doesn't work on debian15:34
whitequarkwhen your install script runs pip, it really does run pip from the conda environment, and that uses the conda python15:35
whitequarkhowever... conda python, for some incomprehensible reason, loads a third of the packages from the conda env, a third from ~/.local, and a third from /usr15:36
whitequarkin other words, a classic conda experience15:36
whitequarkhere's why it's broken:
tpbTitle: Global pip referenced within a conda environment - Stack Overflow (at
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mithro@whitequark: I like you wish there was a better option than Conda, but so far have not found one.16:58
mithroWe are slowly working towards supporting both docker and static compiled binaries17:00
mithroumarcor is doing some excellent work in that direction17:01
mithroPip and yowasp style stuff is also interesting17:02
whitequarkmithro: I'm not actually opposed to using Symbiflow's conda with isolated environments17:04
whitequarkconda in this case is an implementation detail that I (in theory) do not ever have to touch or care about17:04
whitequarkunfortunately, in practice, the way symbiflow invokes conda is deeply flawed, and I'm having to fix that17:05
whitequarkwhy does it download a 12 MB file from sharepoint and feed it into tar?!17:07
mithro@whitequark: any idea how we could "poison" the system stuff so CI explodes if it is accidentally used?17:07
whitequarkrun it on a fresh debian install *grin*17:08
mithro@whitequark: that is the VPR architecture description - it should be more sensibly generated by CI soon17:08
whitequarklet me do a more serious check though17:09
mithroI wonder why we didn't add debian to
mithroBrb just getting up17:09
whitequarki'm not completely certain what the conditions for blowup are17:09
whitequarkmithro: with the conda env activated, run: python -c "import sys; assert all('/usr' not in path for path in sys.path)"17:11
mithro@whitequark BTW the way the install "should work" is -- (step 1) download+install conda, (step 2) create environment using environment.yml file, (step 3) start doing stuff17:26
mithroThere is currently a (step 2b) which is "manually download the vpr configuration data"  which will hopefully go away soon17:27
mithro@whitequark Where we are and where we want to be are never quite the same :-/17:28
whitequarkit's not really that hard to write a working install script, which i have demonstrated by spending a hour today to do so17:29
whitequarkall i had to do was to read the conda docs17:30
whitequarkanyway, as long as you fix it, it's fine17:30
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-_whitenotifier-f- [make-env] mithro opened issue #19: Convert to using GitHub actions for CI (rather than Travis CI). -
mithro@whitequark -
mithrowhitequark: I think a bunch of the issues we see in conda world stem from there being is a pretty strong mismatch between what the people who are paying the conda devs to do work (mostly enterprises like universities) and the majority of users (scientists/programmers) really want.20:59
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whitequarkI used to have a very negative opinion of conda; I no longer really think that for a few different reasons21:03
whitequarkI think Symbiflow shipping a conda-based toolchain that does not expose the end user to conda issues is basically fine. not perfect, but fine21:03
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whitequarkwhat I really hate though is having to work around conda issues myself, having spent several years doing that as an employee21:06
whitequarkanyway, once you address all of the issues I filed, I think the Conda distribution of the toolchain should be usable for most people as long as they never actually touch the conda environment inside21:07
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mithrowhitequark: I'm mostly distracted with finishing off getting stuff published for the skywater-pdk stuff, hopefully acomodi or someone else will be able to finish off that stuff23:31
whitequarksure, that works23:41

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