Thursday, 2020-09-03

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sf-slack<mbpeterson70> I'm new to fasm2bels and trying to get it running, and the few design/parts I've tried running it on gives me a tcl script with "set route "[list  ] " and then "set_property FIXED_ROUTE $route $net" at the end of the script. Vivado keeps complaining about the set_property line needing at least one object. The tcl script seems to run fine when I get rid of the line, but I'm wondering if this is something I should19:51
sf-slackcreate an issue about, look into more, or am I just doing something wrong?19:51
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litghostmbpeterson70: That indicates there is a net with nothing on it, which is pretty weird22:55
litghostmbpeterson70: To make the xdc output more robust, you could change the output to be `set_property FIXED_ROUTE "$route" $net`, which works even if $route is ""22:57
litghostmbpeterson70: But there is likely a lurking bug in the fact that the net has no nodes on it22:58
sf-slack<mbpeterson70> @litghost: Hmm I tried that and Vivado still wasn't able to get over that line.23:33
litghostmbpeterson70: What is "$net" in this case?  If that is also empty, that is the "real" issue, but the whole thing smells like a bg23:34
sf-slack<mbpeterson70> @litghost: Yes, I think you're right. The line above that: `set net [get_nets {<const0>}]` . There was a couple other things that looked odd that I sent to you on a direct message.23:44
litghostmbpeterson70: So the constant nets are important to preserving the exact routing into Vivado.  I find it basically impossible that you have a design that never uses const0, but I guess it is possible.  Where did the design originate?23:45
sf-slack<mbpeterson70> It's just a simple counter that I wrote (and then generated a bitstream for in Vivado) to get a feel for how fasm2bels worked.23:47
litghostmbpeterson70: In the Vivado, if you run "get_property ROUTE [get_nets {<const0>}]" what do you get?23:55
litghoste.g. on your original design23:55

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