Wednesday, 2020-07-29

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-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-docs] mithro opened issue #327: Why is the code link not <>? -
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FireFox317Hey guys! How would you recommend building a hello world (blinky/counter) bitstream for an zynq board that is not upstream? Basically the pynqz1 is the correct fpga chip, however the constraints for the board are different. I'm wondering how ppl do this.17:24
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FireFox317Currently I'm building the counter_pynqz1_prog example, and I could just manually change the constaints somehow, but I'm not sure if that is how it should be done17:25
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litghostFireFox317: That works as a short term solution.  Longer term you could define a new board, and associated program command here:
tpbTitle: symbiflow-arch-defs/boards.cmake at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at
litghostFireFox317: The other thing that we should have examples for soon is a zynq example on
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples: Examples designs for showing different ways to use SymbiFlow toolchains. (at
litghostFireFox317: If you are interested in knowing when that example will be ready, follow
tpbTitle: Add an example for a Zynq part · Issue #26 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples · GitHub (at
FireFox317litghost, thanks! Ah this exactly what i was trying to accomplish too. Having PS->PL communication with a complete open source toolchain would be so cool.17:53
litghostFireFox317: If you want to explain your use case to kgugala, they might be able to point you to an existing PR with that17:55
litghostFireFox317: That issue is a good place to comment17:55
litghostFireFox317: I believe what you want has already been demostrated, but we haven't packaged it up into a compact example with documentation at the moment17:55
FireFox317litghost, So lets say I added the board, how would i then structure my project? It would be a bit weird to add my project to the tests folder or smth. Do I have to include a cmake command or something like that?17:56
FireFox317litghost, Also my use case is just to learn stuff :)17:57
litghostFireFox317: If you are living inside of arch-defs, then you can just hang a CMake leaf where-ever and call "add_fpga_target" with the new board definition.  This has some downsides, but means you can tweak the whole flow.  However if you just want to use the P&R products as is, then using something out of symbiflow-examples is better.  We should get a Zynq example up sooner rather than later, so stay tuned18:01
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FireFox317litghost, Ah i was just looking at symbiflow-examples and saw that they include Makefiles indeed to make a standalone project. You were just a bit faster :)18:03
FireFox317I will definitely subscribe to the issue, thanks for mentioning that :)18:05
FireFox317Also I really appreciate the work you guys are doing on open-source fpga toolchains. So cool to have that!18:06
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FireFox317Hmm VPR should be outputting an status line where it shows the progress right? It looks like it is stuck in a loop or something, because i dont see any output for 10 minutes already18:40
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-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-examples] mithro opened issue #38: Convert the README docs to rst and make sure it is included in -
FireFox317My bad, it just took a long time :)19:31
mithrodaniellimws: Any chance you want to take a look at making a symbiflow themed version of the tool at ?19:33
tpbTitle: GitHub - outsideris/slack-invite-automation: A tiny web application to invite a user into your slack team. (at
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sf-slack<benglines1> Just submitted a pull request for some changes I made to the Bitstream Viewer,  and I have a couple of ideas for it and I was wondering if there are any thoughts on what I am planning.  1. Currently there are two separate features: "Frame View," and "Tile View." This describes the way that the bitstream can be viewed by this tool. Currently, the "Frame View" is20:25
sf-slacka very simple .html page that works fairly fast and serves its purpose. The "Tile View" is generated with .vue, a JavaScript framework. It is considerably slower on my machine, but has a very intuitive interface. I'm thinking about making a .vue version of the "Frame View," and a .html version of the "Tile View" in order to give an .html and a .vue option for both structures of viewing bitstreams.  2. In order to organize all of20:25
sf-slackthis, it might be helpful to create a very simple central .html page with hyperlinks to each of what would be 4 options. Anyone have any thoughts on this?20:25
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> @kgugala, I found this -- -- is that the demo you had mentioned to me?21:11
tpbTitle: GitHub - antmicro-labs/voice-assistant (at
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