Wednesday, 2020-07-15

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-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-arch-defs] litghost opened issue #1591: Replace "penalty_cost" usage in symbiflow-arch-defs -
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-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1592: Check minimum versions of required tools in cmake -
-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1593: Double check system ninja verse conda ninja interaction -
-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1594: Weird that we use Digilent Basys OpenOCD configuration with the Arty board -
-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1595: Lot of duplication in boards.cmake around PROG_CMD -
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-_whitenotifier-b- [sphinx_symbiflow_theme] daniellimws opened issue #26: Automate generating css from scss -
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-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-arch-defs] acomodi opened issue #1596: Use external fasm2bels library -
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-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-arch-defs] acomodi opened issue #1597: Carry Chain COUT drives multiple net sinks -
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-_whitenotifier-b- [python-symbiflow-v2x] mithro opened issue #70: DSP and Verilog to Routing pages are broken -
daniellimwsmithro: Currently for v2x, the docs references a README.rst, verilog source code, and model.xml file from the test cases. This is not ideal as we can see from I was thinking of creating their own rst file for the docs, while the tests can still have their own README describing the test cases. This should be better as the README for the do14:28
daniellimwscs and tests might serve different purposes. As for the verilog code and model.xml files, we can still reference the ones in the tests directory if we don't want to make duplicates14:28
daniellimwsmithro: What do you think?14:28
mithrodaniellimws: Thank you once again for all the doc fixes -- it's always super awesome to get them!14:30
mithro@daniellimws - Are you worried about the non-rendered parts of the .rst file in that README?14:31
mithroI think it looks fine to me?14:31
daniellimwsmithro: Yea that, both sides actually, other than the README being unreadable, the path has to be something like ../../../tests/clocks/dff_comb_one_clock/dff_comb_one_clock.sim.v, many "../" in it14:33
daniellimwsBut if it's not an issue I shall not change anything14:33
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mithroI would like to figure out how to fix the paths14:49
mithrodaniellimws: But I think if we have separate docs in another directory, people will just forget to update them14:49
daniellimwsmithro: Oh yea that would be a problem, so far I've not found a way to make the paths look nicer, hopefully I can stumble upon a solution soon14:57
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daniellimwsmithro: Just watched your talk on skywater-pdk, the shuttle program looks really awesome! Thanks so much for moving hardware design towards the open source direction15:24
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mithro@daniellimws: have people like you doing things like the docs improvement make it possible to get the bigger things done16:45
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-_whitenotifier-b- [prjuray-tools] mithro opened issue #1: Combined prjxray-tools and prjuray-tools -
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-_whitenotifier-b- [prjuray] litghost opened issue #3: CLE bit documentation status -
-_whitenotifier-b- [prjuray] litghost opened issue #4: Clocking bits status -
-_whitenotifier-b- [prjuray] litghost opened issue #5: IOB fuzzer results are unstable -
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mithrolitghost / andrewb1999: Should we have zynq builders for symbiflow-arch-defs or are they covered by the "xc7" tests?22:45
litghostmithro: They are part of the xc7 tests right now22:47
litghostmithro: Only A200T is excluded, because of the current cost to generate the lookahead is too excessive22:47
tpbTitle: Zynq 7020 support by andrewb1999 · Pull Request #1506 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at
mithroHow long does "Xilinx XC7A200T - Vendor Tool Tests" take? IE Should I be seeing them on acomodi's commit at which is about 14h old?22:54
tpbTitle: Merge pull request #1504 from antmicro/fix-write-bitstream-wrapper · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs@e021fae · GitHub (at
litghostmithro: Circa 12 hrs :( FYI the A200T CI takes 7 hrs23:01
litghostmithro: There is a reason we broke away the A200T stuff from the 50/100T :/23:01
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shaprawygle: I really like repls for Python and Haskell23:18
shaprI had a real FPGA question, but I forgot it :-(23:18
shaprit was probably something about netlists23:18
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