Tuesday, 2020-06-09

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litghostpgielda: One option is have the README.md include a simple shell script with the exact commands.  I believe github markdown supports inserting external files into Markdown files?00:00
mithro@litghost Sadly it does not00:02
litghosthttps://github.com/github/markup/issues/346 ?00:02
tpbTitle: Include file-content as part of markdown. · Issue #346 · github/markup · GitHub (at github.com)00:02
litghostNvm, I guess maybe they closed as "Resolved, don't fixed", not fixed00:03
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sf-slack<pgielda> Yes, this is sad it does not. That would solve the issue.06:38
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sf-slack<pgielda> ok, now we have a no-gui VTR that has almost no deps15:07
sf-slack<pgielda> https://github.com/symbiflow/symbiflow-examples15:07
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples: Examples designs for showing different ways to use SymbiFlow toolchains. (at github.com)15:07
sf-slack<pgielda> QL README will follow in a similar manner15:08
sf-slack<pgielda> it will mostly be identical more or less minus a different conda channel (because of a different yosys) and different arch-defs package (because its a different FPGA architecture ;) )15:10
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-_whitenotifier-f- [yosys] rakeshm75 opened issue #78: Branch: Quicklogic: Yosys flow is removing the gclkbuff - https://git.io/Jfyo615:38
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tpbTitle: SymbiFlow · GitHub (at github.com)18:00
mithroandrewb1999: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs/tree/master/utils18:01
tpbTitle: symbiflow-arch-defs/utils at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)18:01
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tntMmm, yosys really doesn't know how to use the QuickLogic LC efficiently.20:58
tntA 8:1 mux can be done in a single LC. Yosys uses 5 and 3 layer deep.20:58
andrewb1999yosys is generating a single SRL16 on one of my designs, even though synth_xilinx is called with nosrl21:00
andrewb1999And then VPR doesn't have an architecture model for it21:00
andrewb1999Does anyone know why this happens on the yosys side?21:00
daveshahAre you sure the design doesn't have an SRL primitive in it21:01
daveshahIf it is free of SRLs then it sounds like a bug in how nosrl works21:01
andrewb1999daveshah: Hmm let me double check that, there might be srl primitives somewhere21:03
andrewb1999daveshah: Yep, found it in some boilerplate code, thanks!21:05
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mithroacommodi - https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-rr-graph and https://github.com/SymbiFlow/rr_graph_lib should be merged in some way?21:35
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-rr-graph: Collection of Routing Resources Graph (RR Graph) libraries for VPR (at github.com)21:35
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andrewb1999litghost: Would you be able to meet up sometime soon to discuss partial reconfiguration regions in SymbiFlow?21:43
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sf-slack<pgielda> https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples21:56
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples: Examples designs for showing different ways to use SymbiFlow toolchains. (at github.com)21:56
sf-slack<pgielda> we have an autotesting travis CI now21:57
sf-slack<pgielda> https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples/blob/master/.travis.yml21:57
tpbTitle: symbiflow-examples/.travis.yml at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples · GitHub (at github.com)21:57
sf-slack<pgielda> ok, now the binary flow example: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples covers both EOS3 and XC7 and has a travis CI that tests if both flows work, without code duplication in .travis.yml23:38
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-examples: Examples designs for showing different ways to use SymbiFlow toolchains. (at github.com)23:38
LoftyIt would be grand if someone looked at my comments on the SlowLogic Yosys PR23:46

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