Friday, 2020-05-08

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recesHey guys08:25
recesI have a question about base addresses that I find in the tilegrid files08:25
recesTo my understunding those are frame addresses that should have the format shown in table 5-24 of Xilinx UG47008:26
recesAnd I do can find them when I am looking at the frame organisation produced by the x-ray tools08:27
recesWhat I dont understand is how I can see them in the raw bitstream or maybe how they are derived from it.08:28
recesI think it has to do something with self incrementation but I am not sure how, Could someone give some aid towards that ?08:30
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daveshahreces: You should see the frame address writes if you enable PERFRAMECRC12:37
daveshahtcl set_property bitstream.general.perframecrc yes12:37
recesdaveshah Thanks I will try that. But how can I see that without it ?12:45
daveshahYou can't because of the auto-incrementation you noticed12:45
recesThe needed information should be there since the tool is calculating it12:46
daveshahOh, you want to calculate it from prjxray?12:46
recesoh so it starts counting frames after it sees the type2 package starting ?12:46
daveshahI think that is what the yaml file is for12:46
daveshahYes it autoincrements after every 93 data words or however long a frame is12:46
recesProject xray has it calculated in both bitstream to frames and fasm to frames12:47
receswhat I am not sure of is how it changes block type12:48
recesIn the type 2 packet is both `CLB, I/O, CLK (000), block RAM content12:49
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litghostThe block type is encoded in the upper bits of the address, per 5-2415:07
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