Wednesday, 2020-04-29

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FFY00mithro, seems to be working now01:43
FFY00mithro, successfully build and deployed a yosys package to (git branch here:
tpbTitle: GitHub - FFY00/symbiflow-arch-pkgs at gh-pages (at
FFY00now we can start adding more packages01:44
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-_whitenotifier-9- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1449: Travis failing on master? -
-_whitenotifier-9- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1450: Add kokoro build bage to the README file -
-_whitenotifier-9- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mithro opened issue #1451: Announce master build failures on the IRC channel -
hackerfooI wonder if sole-tenant nodes might give more repeatable results for benchmarking:
tpbTitle: Sole-Tenant Nodes | Compute Engine | Google Cloud (at
hackerfooI'm running 960 instances of the same test right now.02:50
hackerfoo(with the same seed)02:51
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-_whitenotifier-9- [fasm] mithro opened issue #26: Add link in the documentation header to the SymbiFlow project -
mithro@daniellimws - You should have an invite to join the SymbiFlow organization on GitHub now!04:45
daniellimwsGot it. Cool04:45
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lambdahey, where can I find fasm2v (mentioned in Searching across all of github, it only appears in a single comment :/12:09
tpbTitle: Data Flow in SymbiFlow Arch Defs for Xilinx Series 7 Testing + Verification - Google Drawings (at
sf-slack<kgugala> @lambda this tool is called fasm2bels (need to fix this in the scheme)12:22
sf-slack<kgugala> it can be found here
tpbTitle: symbiflow-arch-defs/xc/xc7/fasm2bels at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at
sf-slack<kgugala> (for xc7 devices)12:22
lambdakgugala: oooh I see, yeah I notived that tool but thought it was only part of the solution (and a bels2v was hiding somewhere else). thanks!12:40
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FFY00mithro, did you see my messages?17:23
mithroFFY00: sorry yes, have to many things on my plate at the moment17:28
mithrolambda: I don't see any reference to fasm2v in that diagram above?17:29
lambdamithro: I guess someone fixed it then :)17:29
mithrolambda: Ha probably17:31
FFY00<FFY00> mithro, seems to be working now17:32
FFY00<FFY00> mithro, successfully build and deployed a yosys package to (git branch here:
FFY00<tpb> Title: GitHub - FFY00/symbiflow-arch-pkgs at gh-pages (at
FFY00<FFY00> now we can start adding more packages17:32
tpbTitle: GitHub - FFY00/symbiflow-arch-pkgs at gh-pages (at
FFY00so we have a working arch repo powered by github actions17:33
sf-slack<kgugala> @mithro, @lambda I fixed that when @lambda mentioned about it :)17:33
FFY00it is rebuilds automatically every day17:33
FFY00*it rebuilds17:33
FFY00mithro, what do you want to do now?17:33
FFY00broken link, sorry,
-_whitenotifier-9- [symbiflow-arch-defs] rakeshm75 opened issue #1454: Branch : Quicklogic : Issue in the top_bit.v with respect to ASSP port map -
-_whitenotifier-9- [symbiflow-arch-defs] rakeshm75 opened issue #1455: Branch : Quicklogic : Issue in the top_bit.v, driving a output ASSP port -
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