Tuesday, 2020-03-31

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-_whitenotifier-3- [prjxray] mithro opened issue #1286: Instability in DSP timing fuzzer - https://git.io/Jv5JV00:05
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daniellimwsWorking on a project using one of Xilinx's IP cores, is there a way in prjxray to run simulations on that core? Or I have no choice but to use Vivado's simulator01:17
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litghostMost hardblocks are missing simulation models right now01:35
litghostAdding simulation models is an open task01:35
daniellimwsI suppose that it would take some effort to do that for each core?01:44
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litghostNot core, hardblock02:43
litghostSo DSP, BRAM, PHASER_IN/OUT, PCIE02:44
daniellimwsOh in the case of the CORDIC IP that I am using now, it uses the PHASER_* block am I right?02:46
daniellimwsSo once a simulation model is built for the PHASER_IN/OUT hardblock, it is possible to simulate the CORDIC ips? Am I understanding this correctly?02:58
litghostBefore that, we need to fuzz PHASER_IN/_OUT, which hasn't been done yet03:13
litghostSo overall a lot of work03:13
daniellimwsOh dear03:39
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-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys] rakeshm75 opened issue #66: Branch: Quicklogic : Functional issue in the design - https://git.io/Jv5GK06:55
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sf-slack<r.jordans> Hi all, does anyone know what the current status of the soft-error-detection block for ECP5 is?  I see that there is a SEDGA test in the fuzzers directory but I don't see anything yet in the database12:50
daveshahr.jordans: It isn't currently supported12:51
sf-slack<r.jordans> Anything I can do to get it supported?12:51
daveshahthe main blocker is reverse engineering the CRC32 (in particular what exactly it is calculated over) inserted in the bitstream in SED mode12:51
daveshahthe nextpnr changes to support the SED primitives are simpler and I am happy to do those once the CRC is sorted12:51
sf-slack<r.jordans> ok, so I guess that's the crc of the bitfile it compares against in the hardware? I guess that it's mainly the polynome that's missing? do we already have a way of getting some example crcs for different bitfiles?12:53
daveshahNo, setting up something up to do that would be a first step12:53
sf-slack<r.jordans> ah, ok12:54
sf-slack<r.jordans> I don't have much experience with this but would like to see this working so I'll try to free up some time12:54
sf-slack<r.jordans> I did however do a bit of reverse engineering crc in the past though so hopefully that can help here12:55
FFY00daveshah, what work has been done reverse engineering the crc?12:56
daveshahThe normal CRC16 is fully RE'd its the BUYPASS algorithm12:57
daveshahI haven't looked at the SED CRC32 at all, but based on the CRC16 it's probably a standard algorithm12:57
FFY00do you have samples?12:57
daveshahThe hard part is probably working out what it is calculated over (and in what order) rather than the polynomial it uses12:57
FFY00yes, there aren't many well suited polynomials12:58
FFY00well, if it is following the standard that shouldn't be an issue12:59
daveshahWhat standard?12:59
FFY00the issue if finding the xor in, xor out, reflect in and reflect out12:59
FFY0032 bits is a bit, but it could be bruteforced with some cleaver techniques13:00
FFY00since crc is not really designed to be a protection mechanism13:01
FFY00I was looking into this a few days ago13:01
FFY00to reverse engineer the crc of a firmware I wanted to replace13:02
FFY00this is an interesting read, if you have time: https://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/essays/CRC-Reverse-Engineering.html13:02
tpbTitle: CRC Reverse Engineering (at www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz)13:02
FFY00how could I get samples?13:03
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daveshahFFY00: create some bitstreams using the SED function with Diamond13:19
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daveshahthen look for the CRC32 following 0xA2 0x00 0x00 0x00 in the bitstream file13:20
daveshahin general, values in ECP5 are big endian so I expect that would apply here too13:20
FFY00I'll probably look into it when my ecp5 board arrives13:21
FFY00or maybe before, we'll see13:24
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-_whitenotifier-3- [symbiflow-arch-defs] acomodi opened issue #1390: fasm2frames has a high run-time with large designs - https://git.io/Jv5MV17:47
tpbTitle: doc: Add optimization animations to readme by kmurray · Pull Request #1251 · verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at github.com)18:43
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