Saturday, 2020-03-28

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FFY00didn't know, thanks :D00:00
FFY00mithro, btw I am also interested in packaging the symbiflow toolchains00:02
FFY00but I think I am going to wait for a nextpnr release00:02
FFY00which itself is waiting on yosys00:03
mithroFFY00: My experience with distro packaging has been that someone does the packaging once and then the original packager gets busy and it ends up becoming super obsolete quickly00:05
FFY00mithro, which distros were those?00:08
FFY00by experience with debian based distros has not been great00:09
mithroFFY00: everything were I haven't also been the package maintainer or the distro doesn't package directly and automatically from git (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, SuSE, slackware, etc)00:09
FFY00IMO they overcomplicate packaging too much00:09
FFY00in arch things are really simple00:10
FFY00let's take nmigen as an example:
tpbTitle: PKGBUILD « trunk - svntogit/community.git - Git clone of the 'community' repository (at
FFY00that's all you need to build it00:10
FFY00when it updates, just bump the pkgver and update the checksums (which can be automated) and build00:11
FFY00it's literally 2 commands in my terminal00:12
mithroFFY00: The packaging is never the problem -- the issue is keeping the packages rolling to the new versions00:13
FFY00but when the packaging itself is trivial it makes things work much better00:14
FFY00at least this has been my experience00:14
mithroFFY00: Generally what happens if that people get busy or move on to other things00:15
FFY00in arch, I might ask someone else to co-maintain the packages00:15
FFY00or to take over00:15
mithroFFY00: Places where packaging has worked okay is when there is a group of people assisted with automated systems00:16
FFY00if I am busy I can just hop on the irc channel and ask for people to update my packages00:16
FFY00in arch the building is automated00:17
FFY00but you still need to manually update it00:17
mithroFFY00: Debian has gotten a lot better now they have tooling that monitors upstream for releases and automatically creates bugs and nag emails when the package is behind00:17
FFY00by this I mean: it won't update automatically on an upstream release00:17
FFY00each packager in arch as its own way to monitor upstreams00:19
FFY00most use nvchecker00:19
FFY00but it works pretty well00:20
FFY00mithro, I hope that you'll have a good experience with arch :)00:26
FFY00I'll try to make it happen00:26
mithroFFY00: I would say that fpga toolchains and getting good cross compiler packages make more sense for packaging then the litex00:30
FFY00we already have yosys00:32
FFY00waiting on nextpnr00:32
FFY00what else should I be looking for?00:32
tpbTitle: SymbiFlow, LiteX & TimVideos Conda Packages - Google Docs (at
FFY00we have arm, aarch64 and riscv64 cross-compilers00:34
FFY00I also maintain a or1k toolchain in my repo00:34
FFY00but I can move to the official ones00:35
FFY00since I have the same work00:35
FFY00actually is easier to maintain them there00:35
mithroFFY00: note there is a difference between bare metal, linux, newlib and musl cross compilers00:35
FFY00ah, right forgot some were linux00:36
FFY00IIRC arm is the only bare metal one00:36
FFY00my or1k is also bare metal00:36
mithroFFY00: There is a priority number assigned to things too00:37
FFY00both of them are built on newlib00:37
mithroThere are also a *lot* of broken RISC-V cross compilers out there -- make sure multilib is enabled00:38
FFY00bare metal with no C lib is the one we use for bootstrapping right?00:39
FFY00but why do we need to have a separate compiler without libc?00:43
FFY00can't you just use -nostdlib?00:44
FFY00also, any reason you are still on gcc 8?00:51
FFY00or just time00:51
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FFY00mithro, I pushed gcc for riscv32, riscv64 and or1k elf newlib19:59
FFY00currently compiling lm3220:00
FFY00probably tomorrow gonna do linux musl20:00
FFY00lm32 is done20:16
mithroFFY00: I'm not a cross compiler expert -- I think it has something to do with calling conventions or something20:26
FFY00the calling convention is defined by the abi20:28
FFY00which is the same for both20:28
mithroFFY00: Some architectures have different ABIs for bare metal verse libc based systems20:29
FFY00ah, I think arm does20:29
FFY00but most don't20:30
mithroFFY00: and RISC-V has a couple of ABI options I believe too20:30
FFY00hum, I couldn't find anything from a quick search20:31
mithroFFY00: The RV32 ABI in Linux isn't stable yet either if I understand correctly20:31
FFY00well, I ordered a epc5 board20:34
FFY00I can test when it arrives20:34
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