Wednesday, 2019-08-28

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LongerVisionTwo more questions: 1) Can I replace the most recent packages under third_party in symbiflow-arch-defs ?  2) Can symbiflow-arch-defs deal with Spartan-6 ?03:00
LongerVisionartix7  kintex7zynq7 ? only 3?03:03
sorears6 is a completely different architecture from anything7, you would need to redo most of the work03:06
sorearmwk is doing just that but there’s obviously no timeline03:06
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LongerVisionWhat is    mwk??03:27
LongerVisionAnd... for now, I failed to build  symbiflow-arch-defs with the following ERROR message:03:29
tpbTitle: Snippet | IRCCloud (at
LongerVisionI've ALREADY manually installed googletest, gflags, etc...03:30
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hackerfooLongerVision: could you try `make env` from the symbiflow-arch-defs directory? That should download the submodules.03:51
XarkLongerVision: I believe Vivavdo does require a license, but the WebPack license is free.03:56
hackerfooAlso, the README says to run `make` at the end, but that will build EVERYTHING, which might take a while, so maybe run `make buttons_basys3_bin`03:57
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tpbTitle: Snippet | IRCCloud (at
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mithrokgugala: Is v2x ready for review?07:43
sf-slack2<kgugala> I'm working on getting the commented out test cases work there07:43
sf-slack2<kgugala> but you can look at the rest of the code07:44
sf-slack2<kgugala> @mithro do we have latest VPR in conda?>07:44
sf-slack2<kgugala> it is required for some of the tests07:44
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hackerfooCMake Error at third_party/prjxray/third_party/yaml-cpp/test/CMakeLists.txt:20 (add_library): add_library cannot create imported target "gmock" because another target with the same name already exists.10:16
hackerfooHad anyone seen this error?10:16
hackerfooFrom LongerVision :
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sf-slack2<tmichalak> hackerfoo: I have seen the same type of errors, but not in this particular CMakeLists.txt. You have this error with your local changes or on current master?11:50
hackerfootmichalak: Should be master; LongerVision is just getting set up.12:04
hackerfooLongerVision: Did you manually update third_party? That could break things.12:12
hackerfooLongerVision: I suggest trying this in a new directory: git clone && cd symbiflow-arch-defs && make buttons_basys3_bin12:53
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs: FOSS architecture definitions of FPGA hardware useful for doing PnR device generation. (at
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sf-slack2<mkurc> I've discovered an issue with Vivado and WE input of a 7-series LUT in SRL mode. It seems that Vivado does allow the input to be routed to only through the CE input of the slice, not through the WE input even though there is no such hardware limitation. Our VPR architecture allows to use both inputs and the VPR usually chooses WE and the resulting routing works on HW.13:22
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