Friday, 2020-08-14

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tserongbenno, i'm not sure if this is exactly the right place to report this problem, but: try viewing the pycon au schedule in landscape orientation on a phone. I find I can see the first couple of tracks, but the remaining tracks are off the bottom of the screen somewhere, and it's impossible to scroll vertically to make them appear09:44
tserongseems to be reproducible on a desktop PC if you manage to get the browser window to just the right (wrong?) dimensions09:45
bennotserong: Have you tried scrolling sideways?09:46
tserongsideways is fine09:47
tserongbut right now, for example, I'm looking at friday and sideways advances the time09:47
tserongvertically, i can see science/data/analytics, security/privacy/dnangocon/education09:48
tserongbut devops isn't there09:48
bennoWhat browser/platform/etc?09:48
tserongsamsung android A8, duckduckgo browswer09:48
tserong(which is probably chromium based?)09:49
bennoI've passed it all on.09:49
tserongseems to be similarly reproducible in firefox (same phone)09:49
tserongLMK if anyone wants screenshots or anything and I'll sort something out09:50
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