Saturday, 2013-04-27

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iiieCarlFK: I can't recall where the general doc on room requirements / expectations for a venue / conference is.  I know I've gotten the link from you before.21:47
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CarlFKiiie: sec...22:07
tpbTitle: Meeting Venue Requirements (at
CarlFKthat was made for hosting monthly evening python users meeting22:09
CarlFKbut it applies to nodepdx pretty good22:09
skaymake a wiki page for it. I tried to start one once22:09
iiiethat's it!22:10
skaythe wiki page I made was
tpb<$> (at
skayI should grab the chipy page to put it on a general wiki22:12
tpb<> (at
iiieThanks skay22:20
CarlFKiiie: I bet you know this... after I edit  /etc/grub.d/25_ipxe, what  to I run to regenerate grub.cfg?22:22
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skayI added data feed and slide art to the list22:23
CarlFKnm, got it.  update-grub22:24
CarlFKFound iPXE image: /home/juser/ipxe/src/bin/realtek.lkrn - that file didn't exist, so it just doesn't add it.  good?22:24
CarlFKanyway, now to reboot and see what mac it discovers22:25

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