Monday, 2019-09-16

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
*** Bertl_oO is now known as Bertl_zZ06:24
*** RexOrCine has joined #photonsdi12:42
*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl14:27
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RexOrCineHi felix_ You still alive?15:23
felix_yep :)15:24
RexOrCineAh. Pleased to hear that. You been travelling and stuff?15:25
felix_i flew to the US to attend defcon and OSFC and travelled around a bit in between; a week ago i arrived back in germany15:27
RexOrCineGot you. I saw defcon vids landing in my stream. Would it be right to say that you haven't picked up any SDI dev for about two months? Is there scope for trying to recruit you assistance do you think? To lighten the load... or are you best left tackling stuff by yourself do you think?15:29
RexOrCineBy the way if you gave an update not long back I may well have missed it because I've been in England. Back here again presently.15:29
RexOrCine(... my bip isn't set up)15:30
felix_last update from my side was on 10th september15:31
RexOrCine... ah then I must have missed it. Here in the channel?15:31
felix_didn't visit the ibc this year; had to relax, cure the jetlag and take care of some stuff that piled up when i was traveling15:31
felix_tl;dr was i'm back in DE and i won't visit the IBC15:32
RexOrCineRight. By the way "recruiting assistance" is easier said than done, but I'd try if you wanted.15:34
felix_hmm, throwing more people at an already late project that doesn't scale too well probably won't make things advance much faster. the hard part was to more or less understand the (rather bad) spec15:36
felix_after travelling for 5 weeks i need to take care of my business again though15:37
RexOrCineI understand. Well I'm sending you positive vibes.15:38
RexOrCineVirtual vibes.15:38
felix_thx :)15:39
felix_the trip also wasn't that much recreational holiday for me; but totally awesome (except me catching a rather bad cold and being sick a few days inbetween)15:40
tpbTitle: VD at DuckDuckGo (at
RexOrCineIf not, better luck next time.15:42
felix_nope ;P15:42
RexOrCineAnything that stood out at defcon?15:43
felix_not really. there was some interesting stuff, but i don't remember anything that i found really groundbreaking15:44
felix_but yeah, defcon is mostly talks, talking with people there and off-site parties. compared to defcon the ccc congress between xmas and new year is more about communities and actual hacking on things16:03
RexOrCineYeah. Must say I didn't tune into any of the videos as yet. Pretty complicated stuff usually.16:04
felix_oh and we went to the casino to play roulette and left with more money than we started ;P16:08
Kjetilsounds like hacking16:31
Bertlfelix_: somebody gave you money to leave without playing? :)16:31
felix_there was no hacking involved; just having a bit of luck and then stopping before losing it again to the bank. and setting limits before starting and sticking to those limits is also a good idea ;)17:17
*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO20:22
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