Thursday, 2019-01-03

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se6astianhi felix_, how was the CCC ?08:42
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felix_35c3 was great and i even managed to get some work done15:14
se6astianany new contacts?15:20
se6astianwas florrent there?15:20
se6astiandid you meet tim?15:20
se6astianvup and anuejn?15:20
felix_did't see florent; tim was always busy when i saw him und vup and anuejn were at the apertus assembly and brought a nice apertus open cinema sign15:22
felix_well, iirc once tim wasn't busy, but then i was busy poking some stuff in prjxray15:23
se6astianright, sounds like a good event then15:25
felix_most of the time i wasn't at the apertus assembly, but when i was there i had some interesting talks with some people; i was a bit concerned when someone said that the axiom photonsdi hw design looked better than some automotive electronics their colleagues work on o_O15:26
felix_oh and i think i wrote that in the main apertus channel, but the module mount probably needs to be improved for the non-developer version of the camera15:27
se6astianwell we do not yet have a non-developer enclosure for the module15:32
felix_yes. what i meant was more that this should be thought about before shipping things to non-developers15:36
RexOrCineWhat's the problem specifically felix_ ? Weight?15:49
se6astianI think just pressure or certain dimensions/angles15:50
RexOrCineYeah. And is this without a cable plugged in (when I assume the problems would be worse)?15:52
felix_problem is that the threaded rods aren't as sturdy as it would be good for the contact between the camera and the module being reliable15:54
RexOrCineCap Bottom might actually support the module a lot.15:54
felix_and when transporting the camera without the module installed the threaded rods might also bend a bit15:55
felix_some sort of rail(? not sure if that's the correct term in english) that holds the module and prevents it to move too much to one side might be useful. i'm not very experienced with designing mechanical stuff, so there might be a better solution15:57
RexOrCineWell it's good practice to transport DK in a hard case. All iterations of the camera should ship with a hard case eventually (like a gun case), this is one of the things that's being evaluated currently. Shipping samples is quite expensive though so we're trying to whittle options down through pictures.15:58
RexOrCineIt may be that for ABCP Cap Bottom (that's the enclosure base) and the gap in the enclosure body for inserting modules provides a good deal of support for PhotonSDI, but I guess we won't know until the prototypes are received (the enclosure body will be the last part ordered I think). Would certainly be good to see how the module behaves with ABDK.16:02
felix_for transportation of the camera i'll probably order one of those
se6astianthat is a hard case16:04
RexOrCineThat's the sort of thing yeah.16:04
RexOrCineAlso note felix_, one of the considerations for hard cases, particularly where ABDK is involved, is that they have ESD protective foam (ESDIXPE / ESDPU / ESDPS). Without that, making sure that the camera/modules is/are in an anti-static bags inside the hard case would be recommended.16:22
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