Thursday, 2018-11-22

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felix_RexOrCine: on the hardware: a partially populated prototype of the axiom photonsdi hw module exists and the things that were tested worked with some minor issues that will be fixed in the next reveision, but so far there are no real blockers23:17
felix_on the gateware: photonsdi made some progress last weekend; the code isn't tested at all though and at the momant it's mostly building block that will be connected together. for implementing photonsdi i found the itu recommendation for the sdi interface rather useful23:21
felix_i also discussed with herbert how the interface between the sdi plugin module and the camera should be done23:23
felix_but yeah, but yeah, the breakthrhough isn't that we have some working sdi implementation, but that there was finally progress on the photonsdi end again and that there is some code on github now (completely untested, so please don't look too closely at it yep ;P23:26

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