Saturday, 2018-11-17

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
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*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl09:42
Bertlfelix_: let me know if you need anything hardware wise because I might be able to bring it with me :)09:44
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine09:50
RexOrCinefelix_ It's a question of an adequate camera, enough light, a nice lens, then tracing around the board manually and pasting it over onto a clean layer in accordance with CI. Ideally the complexion of a board's top and bottom should be matched inside Darktable, but I didn't do that in this case, I just did some light matching in Inkscape. For the fully populated board I'll likely make more effort.09:56
RexOrCineActually the fully populated board will present some problems with focus because of the connectors. So in that case one photo focused on the connectors, one photo focused on the board, then splitting each down the middle and matching them up, hopefully. Usually perspective is tweaked inside Gimp prior to rendering the png.09:58
se6astianfor the icing on the cake you can also add an intentional diffuse reflection on the board to make it look a bit shiny, but thats also tricky because it highlights any surface inperfections on the board (cleaning, solder residue, etc.) like Max did with these pictures:
RexOrCineI assumed he'd used natural light there.10:07
se6astianhe didnt10:07
se6astianoff for now10:10
se6astianshould be in the office by about 14:0010:10
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Bertloff to the hub now ... will arrive between 12:30 and 13:3010:21
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felix_oh, getting good photos sounds rather complicated10:38
felix_i'm at the office now and just ate the last cookie10:38
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se6astianfelix_: can you tell me the outline dimensions of the new sdi PCB please?16:28
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felix_today i pushed both scrambler and descrambler :) both completely untested though, but maybe i'll get around to try (and possibly fix...) that tomorrow20:47
felix_i also pushed some stuff that might be useful for tests to a new branch in the non-public repo; i thought that i had already pushed that some months ago, but apparently i hadn't done that21:49
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