Friday, 2018-10-26

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
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felix_Bertl_oO: on the testing: will it be helpful for you if i make a test design that blinks the leds (to test the general circuitry) and then a loopback design that loops back the serial port and the lvds lanes? that should be an easy thing to do and i probably could do that this weekend11:47
felix_a real test for the clocking chip and the sdi chips is more work and i definitely won't get to work on that before maybe next tuesday11:48
Bertl_oOI've designed (and built) a breakout board which basically breaks out all the dual plugin connections13:21
Bertl_oOso it is for example easy to put jumpers on the LVDS pairs to see if they have a connection13:21
Bertl_oOwe won't have the SDI chips on first hardware test (you requested the FPGA only, IIRC)13:22
Bertl_oOso testing for those doesn't make much sense anyway, but it wouldn't hurt to output some kind of signal on the MGTs so that I can verify connectivity before we add the SDI chips13:23
felix_ah, yeah, not populating the sdi chips is better13:23
Bertl_oOin general, test signals on all relevant connections are a good idea, so that they can be probed with a scope13:24
Bertl_oOI usually send a serial (UART style) sequence which encodes the pin13:24
Bertl_oOif that is sent one pin at a time, it is easy to spot unwanted connections too13:25
felix_oh, that's a good idea. thx :)14:57
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