Tuesday, 2018-07-03

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
felix_i pushed the schematics and the current state of the layout; to have the symbols and footprints, you need to use the kicad libraries on my github account. i had to miggrate the project to another computer and this was the easiest way to make sure that i have all files that i need... i did clean up the schematics though, so i don't feel too uncomfortable to publish that ;P00:01
felix_the schematics still have some todos, but i'd say that it's mostly finished. would be nice if someone could review the schematics and schematic symbols i created00:06
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se6astianwould you be so kind and also share a screenshot of the current layout state that I can share on social media07:00
se6astian"would be nice if someone could review the schematics and schematic symbols i created" please specify the task more clearly then I can try to activate the community07:06
felix_ok, will do that either this evening or tomorrow; will fill in the maybe 5 missing values in the schematics08:00
felix_on the symbols: it would be good if someone could verify if the pin numbers and types of the symbols i created are correct and i didn't miss any pins08:01
felix_i did check that, but it would be good if someone else would also have a look08:01
felix_the schematics need a bit of work to fully pass the erc, but it didn't look like there was some serious issue; it was already quite late yesterday, so i didn;t look at or fix the few things that still give warnings08:03
felix_the i need to split the commit in the symbols and footprints repositories to upstream those; at least the current state of the design is public now though ;)08:06
felix_so yeah, you should expect some force-pushes to the kicad library and footprint repositories; not planning to do force pushes to the repository wth the schematics and layout. the ugly stuff that was in the history there was already squashed locally into one big initial commit...08:13
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se6astianRexOrCine: just installed kicad and quired the project files13:00
se6astianbut the kicad repo seems outdated13:00
se6astianversion 4.0.213:00
se6astianfelix_: what version did you use?13:00
se6astianrex now got 4.0.7 from the kicad website but that still complains when opening the board layout13:06
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Bertlse6astian: as far as I know, he uses the git branch, so one of the 5.0.0 release candidates (plus some patches)13:20
felix_yep, i used the nightly builds; my patches aren''t required for opening the project14:09
felix_i probably should report some bugs so they can be fixed before the release... not very motivated to do so though14:11
se6astianso how can rex review the project files?14:15
felix_for the symbols just open the symbols and the datasheet of the device and see if the pin numbers and types match/make sense14:16
felix_if one pin connects to multiple pads, multiple pins get stacked on the symbol with only one being visible in the schematic. i prefer the eagle approach on that, but well...14:18
felix_i do however prefer that kicad doesn't put the footprints in each device library14:22
felix_https://github.com/felixheld/kicad-symbols/commit/ab44b0ee2533be7bc69348d1d8ab18574a361e81 contains all schematic symbols that i created for the board14:24
tpbTitle: add apertus photonSDI hw symbols · felixheld/kicad-symbols@ab44b0e · GitHub (at github.com)14:24
felix_i'm afk again; the replacement plane has arrived. the one i wanted to fly with had a broken engine starter...14:31
Bertlwhere did you order it? :)14:33
RexOrCinefelix: I've opened up your stuff in Kicad but I've not idea what I'm looking at. Perhaps I'm not the best person to check your work.15:28
RexOrCineTechnically I'm not sure i opened the right stuff though.15:29
RexOrCineI opened something though. Schematics of some kind.15:30
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felix_hmm, ok, then i'll try to ask some people tomorrow if they have time to have a look20:13
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