Thursday, 2018-05-31

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
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*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO08:56
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felix_fyi: i'll probably visit the ibc again this year; have booked everything already so it doesn't cost that much as last year...11:49
felix_weird thing was that adding a return flight to frankfurt made the flight from nuernberg to amsterdam cheaper. less money for more flights seems quite counterintuitive for me...12:09
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine13:25
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away15:20
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian15:57
*** RexOrCine is now known as RexOrCine|away20:55
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away21:00

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