Tuesday, 2018-05-08

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
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se6astianhi felix_12:03
se6astianhow did the 3 day PCB phase go so far?12:03
*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO12:08
felix_i have verified all already existing symbols i use, made most of the symbols that don't already exist (haven't really looked into how to do the clocking of the gtp yet), have the schematics maybe half-finished and looked more into the routability on the board12:57
felix_routing congestion under the fpga is a bit of a problem, but so far it seems doable with some compromises12:58
felix_the routing of the rather critical signals is no problem though12:58
felix_on 6 layers the design would be much easier to do, but so far i'd say that it still is feasible with only 4 layers13:00
felix_oh and this week i'll have more time to work on the project than i thought i'd have :) not full days, but still contigous blocks of maybe 4-5h13:01
felix_yesterday and today also weren't/isn't full days, but still finally got some good progress13:03
felix_but yeah, i want to have this done before the 17.5., since i'll be in india for about two weeks from that day on13:04
RexOrCineAbsolute completion? ie. the whole project?13:05
RexOrCineThis stage.13:05
felix_"only" the design of the first prototype of the axiom-photonsdi-hw13:05
felix_so when i'm away the board can be manufactured and maybe even already assembled13:06
se6astiansounds good13:08
felix_the two bigger things that i have to solve unti then is the clocking of the gtps and to figure out how to route all the signals on the board in a way that the signal integrity of all signals won't be too bad13:09
felix_can someone of you review some stuff this week or should i try to find someone else to do that?13:12
Bertl_oOwhat kind of review do you have in mind?13:14
felix_first some review of schematic symbols and their mapping to the footprints, when i've finished the schematics a review of that and when i've finished the layout a review of the layout13:16
felix_i always like to have someone elso to look a the finished design to catch some bugs i didn't see13:17
felix_oh, in case you haven't already seen this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YRnNG3D8_12onXnyjq7ZIn70ye9aCjsMQ0Uf0hwOgzQ/edit i find it quite useful13:18
tpbTitle: PCB signoff checklist - Google Docs (at docs.google.com)13:18
Bertl_oOnice, yeah I guess se6astian can do footprint checks, I'll do schematic and layout checks but if you find somebody else to do them as well, then even better13:20
felix_sounds good13:20
felix_oh and when the sdi board is finished, it's also probably not too difficult to make a hdmi variant from it; the fpga has enought gpts to drive a hdmi output. the routing will get a bit annoying though since only 2 gtp pairs are easily routeable; the other two have to be routed to the fpga on the bottom layer and the layer next to the bottom layer is quite fragmented13:48
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*** Bertl_oO is now known as Bertl_zZ23:29

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