Tuesday, 2018-04-24

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
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se6astianhi felix_10:47
se6astianplease report this weeks progress again10:47
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felix_didn't get that much done after the last report; was a few days at a customer's site15:38
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felix_hmm, cern ohl or solderpad license? didn't know that the latter existed since like a month ago; at least for software i usually prefer rather permissive licenses like lgpl and bsd/mit/apache, so the solderpad license sounds quite interesting to me22:14
Bertl_oOwell, we are trying to build a sustainable ecosystem, so naturally I prefer copyleft licenses, but ultimately it's up to you as long as it is 'compatible' to the rest22:21
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine23:17
felix_hm, at the moment i see clones that undercut the price of the original as the bigger risk for open source hardware and copyleft licenses usually don't forbid that23:40
felix_and i don't see much in the design that is so special and great that having a copyleft license would make a huge difference23:43
felix_but yeah, i don't have a too strong opinion on this decison; if i had, the license question would already be decided ;)23:45
felix_the schematic symbols and footprints will be cc-by-sa 4.0, which is the license kicad uses for those23:48
felix_hm, the existing pcb designs are cern ohl 1.2; having the same licenses for all pcbs would make sense23:51
felix_yeah, i'll just use cern ohl 1.2; even though i don't see a big reason to have a copyleft license for this23:52

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