Saturday, 2018-03-10

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felix_i wonder how the bitstream for the axiom sdi board should be updated in the field. just configure the fpga on the module from the axiom and don't put a flash on the module? with this updating the bitstream would just be replacing a file on the camera and wouldn't involve any special jtag adapter21:37
KjetilIs there any suitable connections for loading the FPGA?21:45
felix_there are some connections through the machxo2(?) chips on the camera21:46
KjetilAre those connectable to the programming interface on the FPGA?21:47
felix_i'll be designing the board, so yes21:48
felix_there are 2x 8 connections available for slow-ish interfaces21:49
felix_if we put a flash on the board, we'd have to speak jtag from the axiom to the sdi module to be able to unbrick it in case of a bad image in the flash21:51
Kjetilah. you aren't using the plugon module in the final design22:08
felix_yep, the redesign will be without the fpga module, but with the fpga directly on the same board as the sdi chips22:18
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