Wednesday, 2021-03-17

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sajattack[m]got me a cle-215+ 😀00:25
sajattack[m]I think I got it j-tagging, now I'm trying to install vivado00:29
sajattack[m]it looks like it's failing a device id check, is that normal?00:31
tpbTitle: hatebin (at
sajattack[m] * it looks like openocd is failing a device id check, is that normal?00:33
tpbTitle: hatebin (at
sajattack[m]oops, forgot this was irc and that would send twice rather than edit00:33
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sajattack[m]has anyone flashed the cle-215 with a jlink that could give me a hand?05:06
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sajattack[m]I think my openocd version and my jlink fw version are out of sync06:10
sajattack[m]but both are latest :/06:10
zypI'd suspect you got the pinout wrong06:41
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sajattack[m]I don't think so, in my hatebin link it's communicating enough to read a device id, but openocd is giving a libusb error when I try to flash06:49
sajattack[m]despite running as root and everything06:50
zyplooks to me like it's trying to read the device id and just getting garbage back06:51
zypwhich I guess is how it'd look if you swapped JTMS and JTDI06:51
RaivisR__also, 25MHz and breadboard?06:52
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zypsays reduced to 4 MHz06:52
zypbut yeah, might be worth reducing that too06:52
RaivisRah, yes, let me introduce myself, got ecp5 vip, trying to put litex on it06:52
RaivisRor rather did it yesterday already, today adding dram, peripherals and putting linux on it06:53
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sajattack[m]wiring looks right to me, lowered the clock, same behaviour07:12
sajattack[m]even tried swapping tdi and tms07:13
sajattack[m]whoa it found a xilinx device id07:19
sajattack[m]grounds were fucked07:19
sajattack[m]still having libusb errors but led turned solid07:20
sajattack[m]but I guess I need a uart cable to check further?07:23
RaivisRto see litex bootloader prompt? i am n00b at this but yes, i had only clock, reset and serial in platform definition and it showed me boobloader prompt07:42
RaivisRof course :)07:45
tpbTitle: hatebin (at
sajattack[m]this is the part that seems like bad jlink firmware07:55
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zypsajattack[m], you can use the crossover uart over pcie08:15
zypbut first you'll want to make sure the new gateware enumerated over pcie08:16
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sajattack[m]Ah yes, lspci, should have thought of that08:18
keesjHi, I back... :P I want to do a  small project with tinyfpga_bx and a soft core.08:36
keesjit looks like this should be almost trivial at there is already a board file and I just copyed the .py file and would like to get to hello world08:37
keesjI hope to get to a state like here e.g. have my own "bios" and be able to start adding IP08:38
keesjeven nicer if this can be combined with and USB serial .. but that probably won't fit08:41
keesjso in the link I posted above the code is compiled to xip and only the minimal sram is used. this setup is different from the commited code09:42
zypyou might want to look at how the fomu does usb with litex09:56
keesjthanks for the tip10:12
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keesjI was messing around with the firmware section but I think the ROM/BIOS it not functioning12:04
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RaivisR_aparently just throwing all the pins at litedram does not quite work, oh well, more digging14:34
rozpruwacz_florent_: did You get my message i'v sent yesterday around 3pm utc ? I disconnected from the irc and may lost your reply.15:02
RaivisR_single chip works, now to figure how to make them both work15:07
keesjI am looking at nand flash (single data rate) and would like to read out some data from it. When i look at the timing diagrams (the data in no clocked) there is a varatity of different setup and hold times e.g. is there a nice way to handle this "complex" set of changes ? I am currently doing a clock divider and a state machine15:08
RaivisR_i stand corrected - worked on first boot15:09
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keesjI did have a look a glawgow code that is supposed to understand parallel nand but I don't have the board15:10
keesjRaivisR_: nice15:10
RaivisR_well, not quite my definition of nice, but yes, at least something works for some time :)15:12
keesjsometimes.... I am quite happy when something just works (for some time015:17
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_florent_rozpruwacz: sorry, I got the message yes but haven't been able to look at it yet16:24
_florent_RaivisR_: which board are you testing?16:25
_florent_RaivisR_: can you share the BIOS log if failing?16:25
RaivisR_i am learning, on ecp5 vip, it is more of me being total noob than anything else16:26
RaivisR_i am rolling my own platform file as I go16:26
_florent_ok, for the initial tests, I would recommend using the same sys_clk_freq than the Versa ECP516:28
RaivisR_versa has single sdram chip, this one has two16:29
_florent_What's the behaviour when you say "something works for some time"?16:29
rozpruwacz_florent_: sure, no problem :)16:31
RaivisR_if I define pins for only one chip, initial memory test passes, on consecutive runs it fails, but I am sure it is me doing something wrong, i am just talking to myself loud (silently hoping that maybe someone will yell - i know that one!) :)16:31
_florent_RaivisR_: OK, testing only one chip initially is a good idea, you could switch to the two chips when stable with one :)16:36
RaivisR_I´ll go all in :) digging through sources and trying understand what is what and why helps to soak in the feel original dev had when writing the whole thing16:37
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RaivisRmaking progress, bus and addr errors both 0, data errors a lot16:39
RaivisRif I have 4GiB address space and 2GiB sdram, I probably should think about where do I put it16:44
somlo_florent_: is there an easy way to capture a module's FSM state as one of the entries in `analyzer_signals` ?17:07
_florent_somlo: yes, you can just add the FSM to the list of things you want ot observe, it will finalize it and add the state signal to the analyzer:
somlooh cool, I'm going to redo my capture to include the FSM state info, that should make it a bit easier to tell what's happening and *when*17:10
_florent_somlo: great, thanks17:31
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keesjI think .. implemeing a latch module might be a nice solution to my problem18:31
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