Tuesday, 2020-12-22

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shornesomlo: hello12:07
shorneSorry, you pinged me on my way to work12:08
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shorneOK, so my other problem using litex-buildenv vs litex-boards is *buildenv was loading the kernel to 0x0000000 while *boards is 0x4000000012:33
shornedata transfers just fine now, kernel is not booting though12:34
somloshorne: sorry, I had a question about the recently upstreamed litex soc driver, but figured it out meanwhile12:35
somloI'm testing an update to support the newly-default 32-bit csr-data-width in upstream LiteX, and will submit a patch as soon as that's ready12:36
shornealright, makes sense12:39
somloshorne: and I don't think it's litex_boards per se loading to 0x40000000, but rather upstream litex proper12:46
somloall the 0x40000000 instances in litex-boards appear to me to be the *size* (not base address) of the sdram12:46
somloand, in upstream litex, the main ram start address is 0x40000000 by default (in soc_core.py), but can be overridden by the cpu ("main_ram" property)12:49
somloe.g., it's 80000000 on rocket12:49
shornewell, if I have a boot.json and specify to load by rootfs.cpio to 0x0000000 it never loads, if I set 0x4000000 it works12:51
shornebut I just found an issue with the memmap12:51
shornefor the mor1kx soc we override to 0x0000000, but my recent patch broke that12:51
somloright, it's hardcoded in the gateware (once you have a bitstream) -- so by then you need to load wherever the bitstream expects you to...12:51
somloI'm not familiar with litex-buildenv, but I assume it overrides "main_ram" to make it 0x0000000012:53
somloso any gateware/bitstream you build with it will have a different memory layout than "upstream" litex12:53
somlosorry, you probably already figured this out and we're just in "violent agreement" :D12:54
somlooh, and make sure you update the .dts/.dtb to reflect the new memory start address too -- that may be one reason why the kernel won't boot properly, after it gets loaded12:59
shornesomlo: yes, we are in agreement, also already checked .dts13:14
shornenow it seems to be in sync with the old litex-buildenv, but still not booting13:15
shorneone thing I notice that is strange before bootup is this message: Copying boot.bin to 0x00000000... (11282556 bytes)13:16
shornethen Liftoff,  the bytes count is 2x the size it should be13:17
somloshorne: shot in the dark -- was your csr-data-width different with litex-buildenv (e.g., 8), vs. the now-default 32 in upstream litex ?13:19
somloit's probably not it, but since I'm actively working on it, every problem looks like a nail :)13:20
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shornecould be13:24
shornelet me see13:24
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lf_florent_: thx for the bitstream. that on ist working but when i build it on my system it does not work. i updated Yosys 0.9+3780 (git sha1 d15c63eff) and nextpnr-ecp5 84c55f89 and it still did not work. is there a know working version i can try?14:47
somloupstream submission to support 4-byte CSR data width in Linux kernel: http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/2012.2/04633.html14:52
tpbTitle: Linux-Kernel Archive: [PATCH v1] drivers/soc/litex: support 32-bit subregisters, 64-bit CPUs (at lkml.iu.edu)14:52
somlonow I'm going to really rebase https://github.com/litex-hub/linux/tree/litex-rocket-rebase on top of upstream + that patch14:53
somlo_florent_: maybe we should drop litex-[rocket|vexriscv]-rebase, and just create a "litex-rebase" branch to track gateware drivers for upstreaming?14:54
somlowe can keep track of credits (who did what) in the commit logs14:54
lf_florent_: nevermind its working my mistake14:56
_florent_shorne: I've not tested Linux with mor1kx, but I remember discussing with Mateusz who had to set  R1 register pointing to the address of the .dtb in memory17:23
_florent_in the boot.json, you can also specific bootargs17:23
tpbTitle: Snippet | IRCCloud (at www.irccloud.com)17:23
_florent_you can find more info at: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/wiki/Load-Application-Code-To-CPU17:24
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shorne_florent_: thank's I am working through Mateusz howto (it seems he doesn't use the external .dtb) but kernel builtin which I am also using21:24
shorneBut I think adding support for the loaded .dtb would be a good next step21:24
shorneOpenRISC linux expects the DTB at r3, but setting the address in R1 and calling boot(r1, r2, r3, addr), as the bios does, will move r1 to r3.21:27
shorneso that makes sense21:27
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somlonew "rebasing" LiteX kernel branch that subsumes litex-[vexriscv|rocket]-rebase: https://github.com/litex-hub/linux/tree/litex-rebase21:48
somloequivalent to litex-rocket-rebase in terms of functionality, but builds on latest upstream (which already includes the SoC controller and LiteUART driver)21:49
somlowith "sausage making" covered up, each patch adds a clearly defined feature or driver21:50
somlodid my best to track everyone's contribution in the commit blurbs21:50
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