Friday, 2020-12-18

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tpbTitle: ECPIX-5 (at
tpbTitle: ButterStick | GroupGets (at
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lindemerCan anyone tell me how to debug LiteX/VexRiscv with GDB on an Arty FPGA? The best instructions I can find are but running "load firmware.elf" from GDB once connected returns communication errors and doesn't boot the image07:14
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_florent_somlo: nice!08:16
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mithrosomlo: I'm somewhat excited about "linux-on-litex-rocket"18:35
mithrosomlo / _florent_: I really think that the two repositories will kind of end up trending towards, linux-on-litex-vexriscv --> linux-32bit-on-litex   and linux-on-litex-rocket --> linux-64bit-on-litex direction (I don't think we should rename them however)18:36
_florent_mithro: I see things differently. There is an history behind linux-on-litex-vexriscv, linked to VexRiscv and to the collaboration with @Dolu @daveshah Antmicro, etc...  so this project is not going to support other CPUs18:52
_florent_mithro: same for linux-on-litex-rocket, that is in fact just a name for the work done by @somlo during the last year and that was already available at
tpbTitle: A Trustworthy, Free (Libre), Linux Capable, Self-Hosting 64bit RISC-V Computer (at
mithroI would say that BlackParrot for example is more similar to Rocket than VexRISCV18:55
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leons_florent_: I'm personally equally interested in VexRiscv (which is awesome) and ibex (because it has more mature than VexRiscv) in the OS I'm working on18:55
leonsDoes this comment mean that isn't going to happen?18:55
mithro_florent_: Generally I have found that optionality tends to lead to both options being better than either one by itself18:56
mithroleons: I'm sure that #695 will happen at some point, but it will probably be zephyr / microcontroller targetted rather than Linux18:56
leons_florent_: Or was that only referring to Linux support?18:57
mithro_florent_: But we can keep the linux-on-litex-vexriscv specific repository to VexRISCV18:57
leonsmithro: Ah, that makes sense (and conveniently is exactly what I want :) )18:57
mithroIt might get a bit silly when we end up having linux-on-litex-vexirscv, linux-on-litex-rocket, linux-on-litex-blackparrot, linux-on-litex-microwatt, linux-on-litex-XXXX18:58
_florent_@leons yes that's the way I see thing, linux-on-litex-vexriscv, linux-on-litex-rocket are applications projects for both LiteX/Vexriscv/Rocket18:58
mithroI do wonder if Dolu will end up looking into an VexRISCV which is 64bit capable but more efficient than rocket18:59
leonsAnd there's nothing stopping anyone from putting in the work to make Linux run on LiteX with these CPUs, right? Just not an official project?19:00
somlomithro, _florent_: with luck (and I'm personally pretty optimistic about that) we can ensure upstream Linux drivers (and support in general) can be done in a way that works out-of-the-box for both 32 and 64 bit CPUs, without too much in the way of special-case hackery19:00
mithroleons: There isn't really any "official" project here -- everything is mostly driven by what people are interested in19:01
mithrosomlo: So am I!19:01
mithroHere is my previous attempt ad trying to "map" the "LiteX ecosystem" -
tpbTitle: LiteX Ecosystem Diagram - Google Drawings (at
_florent_@leons: I would be happy to see happens, just that I'm trying to limit the scope of linux-on-litex-vexriscv not LiteX19:03
_florent_somlo: that's indeed the direction we are going I think thanks to your work (BTW linux-on-litex-vexriscv is now also using your litex-rocket-rebase branch)19:05
somlospeaking of LiteX vs. linux-on-litex-vexriscv: one of my highest priorities for linux-on-litex-rocket was to use unmodified upstream LiteX, with no customizations in terms of gateware :)19:05
somlo_florent_: I *thought* I saw something about Antmicro's LiteX soc controller landing upstream yesterday (not 100% sure, haven't had time to check)19:07
_florent_somlo: re no customization: that's indeed nice, that also the direction I'd like to go with linux-on-litex-vexriscv19:07
_florent_there are still some customization but I think we could remove it easily19:08
somloI think that'd be the 8-bit-csr-data-width version that's been winding its way through reviews, so my next priority (next week I hope) is to rebase "litex-rocket-rebase" on top of that work, and to submit upstream the "works with both 8-bit and 32-bit CSRs" portion of that ASAP, before anyone gets too attached to what just got committed :D19:08
_florent_somlo: indeed:
_florent_sorry I have to go19:09
somlohave a good weekend!19:09
somlohmmm, apparently the 85k version of the ECPIX-5 is out of stock... :(19:29
tpbTitle: ECPIX-5 (at
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daveshahsomlo: I've got one if you want me to test anything19:32
daveshahAlmost as hot as new GPUs, it seeme19:33
somlodaveshah: nothing immediately earth-shattering -- I was going to get one for myself as a Christmas present, and putter around with LiteX+Rocket (maybe look into whether the sata port would come in handy)19:35
somlobut I can wait for the next production run for all that, no big deal19:36
somlomaybe the next version will come with a heatsink ;)19:37
chrispsi recently got a vcu1525 cheap despite having no ee experience to use as an accelerator for some projects of mine. did i make a mistake?19:39
Findechrisps: well I'm jealous at least :)19:42
mithrosomlo: Antmicro went with mor1k as a start as Stafford could help with getting it upstream and there is less politics20:12
mithrosomlo: LiteX + Rocket is probably easier than LiteX + VexRISCV in Linux because Linux 32bit RISC-V has a lot of haters (and there is increasing moment behind the "drop 32bit in Linux all together" idea).20:14
mithroI would really like to figure out getting CI working which shows that Linux will boot on key hardware in linux-on-litex-vexriscv20:16
somlomithro: interesting to know, thanks for the context! I will probably collapse the litex-vexriscv-rebase and litex-rocket-rebase branches into a single litex-rebase branch that applies cleanly on the current stuff upstream20:18
somlothen we get to bicker about upstreaming the accessors that handle all corner cases some more, but once that's done, additional device drivers should have a much easier time20:19
mithrosomlo: I was hoping that the microwatt people would help with Linux on LiteX upstream work but that didn't seem to pan out20:19
somloimho, device drivers have no business *knowing* whether the CSR data width is 8 or 32, or whether the underlying cpu is 32 or 64 bits :)20:20
somlowe have to encapsulate that magic somewhere (i.e. in the accessors), in a way that can be cleaned up to everyone's satisfaction without further disturbing the way device drivers are written20:21
mithrosomlo: if you ever want / need a Nexys Video or Gensys 2 boards, I would happily send you one as long as you promise to continue to support this stuff on small devices like Arty :-)20:21
mithroSpecially if you wanted to help make sure LiteX + Rocket works with Yosys + VPR + Prj X-Ray flows20:22
somlomithro: thanks, but I don't have an arty :) smallest device I do have is nexys4ddr20:22
mithroI'm happy to send you an Arty too20:22
somloin the xilinx category, at least20:22
somloIn the Xilinx category I was waiting for the dust to settle on the vpr vs. nextpnr-xilinx vs prj-xray situation, and stick with ecp5 for the turtles-all-the-way-down-FOSS self-hosting ideal20:28
somlobut maybe it's time to re-evaluate that at some point... Personally, my first priority is getting something that can mount and read/write an ext2 filesystem in a not-too-slow way20:29
somloso I can boot Fedora on it, and run yosys/trellis/nextpnr and/or vpr on the "self-hosting" thing itself20:30
acathla"<somlo> hmmm, apparently the 85k version of the ECPIX-5 is out of stock... :("20:36
acathlaIt seems both versions are out of stock. That's a good news, it means the business is good :)20:36
daveshahOr the AMD/NVIDIA trick of not making enough to create an illusion of popularity ;)20:40
zypI'm not sure whether I'm more excited for the ECPIX-5 or the butterstick20:41
zypI ordered one of each the other day20:41
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acathlaI'm not sure they had a clue about how many the were going to sell, so they probably prefered to produce just a few.20:47
acathlaWho's behind lambdaconcept? I'm sure they are hiding here :)20:49
_florent_acathla:  key2 probably know them :)21:09
key2We really sold out21:10
key2what pisses me off is companies buying sometimes 5 unit making the batch go fast21:11
acathlaLike pasta or toilet paper in France during lockdown :)21:18
futarisIRCcloudIs there another batch in the queue?21:20
felix_just had a look in my desk drawers and found a digilent atlys board with corresponding i/o breakout board and a numato opsis in there; if someone wants those and actually has the time to do something useful with those, i cold ship you those; preferrably in germany or at least europe due to shipping cost. it's been quite some time that i did something with the boards, so i'm not sure how functional those still22:09

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