Monday, 2020-10-26

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disasm[m]Anyone had an issue when `por` clock domain reset starts driving `sys` clock domain reset and driving conflict emerges in generated verilog?10:42
disasm[m]git bisect points to this one:
disasm[m]Oh well, I see the problem, disregard11:14
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lkcldaveshah, _florent_: the guy who designed the ulx3s ecp5 board says that there' now a "--ecppack" option for uploading to the ECP513:44
lkclcompress option to ecppack13:44
lkclecppack --compress ulx3s.config --svf ulx3s.svf --bit ulx3s.bit --bootaddr 013:44
daveshah--compress, yes, that's been there for a little while now13:44
lkclhe recomm... ah good :)13:45
lkcli haven't done a git pull for a month or so as we're on a code-freeze for the upcoming dec 2 tapeout13:45
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