Sunday, 2020-06-21

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benh_somlo: allright, going to look at that .data section issue now07:34
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benh_somlo: so your "test" works in sim... I assume the "ROM" is really a RAM ?07:55
benh_ah no I see07:56
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somlobenh: don't know what sim used to do before 05d4756e, but on fpga .data really was read-only10:59
somlobut after 05d4756e I added a printout of the initial global .data value (before attempting to change it)10:59
somloand instead of the actual value you got 0 (both on fpga and in sim), unless you successfully initialized .data by copying it from rom11:00
somlobut I'm guessing you already figured that out, this is just in case anyone else is wondering :)11:01
zypit doesn't really matter whether it's read only or writable, if you want to be able to reset the cpu without reloading the entire fpga, you need to reload .data with initial values11:04
benh_somlo: nah I misread the test output11:22
benh_it was broken on sim ... I sent a PR for the fix11:22
benh_zyp: oh absolutely, I was wondering mostly why it worked without any fix... it's just that we don't seem to rely much on initialized data so far, we got lucky11:23
benh_we were also missing a .toc in the ld script11:24
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