Saturday, 2020-06-06

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xobsCarlFK: "Kind of."02:47
xobsWhat are you wanting to do use it with?02:48
xobsMany JTAG boxes have voltage conversion, if the PCB is running at a different voltage. For example, many modern Xilinx parts run at 1.8V, which will need an adapter.02:49
xobsBut if VDD is 3.3V (ish) on the device you want to debug, then yes you can use openocd to bit-bang JTAG (or SWD). It's what we do with Tomu, and it's what we do (with a level shifter) for NeTV2 and Betrusted.02:50
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CarlFKxobs:  given pi's are popular,  I was wondering if it could be used 'generally' and sounds like no, or "it depends" and if no one knows, then no.05:13
xobsI always use them in the factory to program my boards, because they're cheap and most chips I work on are 3.3V. Most hobbyist projects are also 3.3V. 1.8V stuff is common in industry, but for now hobbyist projects will be safe using a pi.05:15
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somlo_florent_: should I be able to use any fat fs (particularly the more typical fat32) with sdcard and the litex bios now ?17:16
somloguess I'll format a sdcard with fat32 and try, see what happens :)17:17
CarlFKhave a fire extinguisher handy17:19
npcompFurther readins seems to suggest that the CLE-215 is _exactly_ the nitefury?17:41
somlo_florent_: building the bios `--with-sdcard` is broken right now -- undefined symbols such as `disk_status`, `disk_read`, etc. that are only currently provided in `spisdcard.c`, and not in `sdcard.c`17:41
zypnpcomp, my understanding too18:18
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npcompRealizing I am new to this type of development, I was considering what neat things might be available with this type of dynamic pci device. One of the ideas I had was having the pci device offer an option rom, like a network card.18:48
CarlFKnpcomp: friend works for - they take used servers that have been "tweaked" and puts them back to OEM stock because that is easier to sell.  ...19:56
CarlFKone of the tasks is "hacking" the current bios eprom whatever and getting it flashed? back to stock19:57
CarlFKmaybe a pci card that halts the boot/post/whatever process and gives you a busybox prompt19:58
CarlFKnetv2 has hdmi out and eathernet.19:59
_florent_somlo: sorry i haven't adapted the litesdcard code yet, FatFs has only been tested with spisdcard, i was planning to also add litesdcard support next week20:05
somlo_florent_: ok, no worries, I still have the last nexys4ddr bitstream from before that change (built for sdcard), so I'll use that for testing with 64-bit kernel patches20:08
somlo(and I can check out earlier commits, if push comes to shove :)20:09
somloas long as it's on your radar, it's not a huge emergency or anything20:09
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