Friday, 2020-05-22

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xobsgregdavill: bunnie recently got CDC working with eptri, in theory. If you're still looking for a USB core.07:50
xobsHasn't been tested in hardware yet though! It passes the tests, which means it should work right?07:51
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gregdavillxobs: Neat! I'll check it out. Is it up on the betrusted-soc github?07:53
gregdavillYeah, any design that passes all the tests always works perfectly on hardware the first time </sarcasm>07:55
xobsHmm... I may have jumped the gun, sorry... But yes, it's up in betrusted-io. Need to do some more testing to ensure it works with other clock domains.07:57
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gregdavillIt will be interesting to compare the resource usage differences between using discrete CDC primitives in the module.07:57
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xobsYeah. He updated the DummyUSB driver so it meets timing better when using cdc, but it added about 20 LCs to the ICE40 implementation, so I had to switch it off for Fomu. But it works much better now on the Xilinx part. I'm curious to see how it'll work on ECP5.08:01
zypI'm curious how my usb core compares in size to valentyusb08:23
zypwhat's the best way to measure size of a particular core?08:24
xobszyp: I've done synthesises of DummyUSB with nothing but a wishbone core that can enumerate over USB, and it clocks in at about 650 LCs on an ICE40.08:42
xobsIt's not very useful, granted. The wishbone bridge kicks it up to about 1100 LCs. Then eptri adds more, because it's a proper USB device core.08:43
zypif I take out the cpu and the litescope from my build, I'm at 1191 TRELLIS_SLICE, and if my understanding is correct, each of those are comparable to two LCs09:01
zypbut that's still leaving in the wishbone crossbar/memories and uart bridge09:02
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disasm[m]xobs: you may want to switch to SERV to save a huge amount of space09:44
disasm[m]I found it really cool, especially for decreasing development cycle time09:45
disasm[m]I'm not sure it will play nicely with USB timings though09:47
xobsDoes it have a debug port? The vexriscv debug port is fantastic, and while I'd have to add a module to `wishbone-tool` for SERV, it could be done.09:48
disasm[m]I don't think it has a debug port09:48
gregdavillI want to try out how well serv performs with the USB core. Due to it's architecture it's a lot slower than the vexriscv. It does not have a debug port.09:55
disasm[m]Well, when I was running vexriscv with the USB core, it was incredibly slow too :) In my current design with SERV I had to add a wishbone cache to compensate even bigger slowdown due to the FLASH latency10:06
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zypI'm thinking SERV will do well with USB, the software side of USB doesn't really impose super strict timings10:27
disasm[m]IIRC, there are some timing restrictions for control transfers, but bulk transfers should work fine10:29
zypyes, there are timing restrictions, but the strictest ones are 50ms10:30
zyphow does the performance numbers for SERV look? I'd assume it to be on the order of 1/32 of a normal riscv at a given clock rate10:32
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gregdavillI'm not sure if it's exactly 32 clock cycle for every instruction, or if some instructions still require more than 32 cycles.10:35
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disasm[m]Yes, some instructions are more than 32 cycles10:41
zypthen again, with 32 cycles per computation, another cycle or two of latency doesn't matter all that much10:41
zypI'm guessing a SERV running at 12 MHz should be able to execute somewhere between 10k and 20k instructions in 50ms, which should be more than enough to handle every standard control request10:48
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dkozeljohn_k[m]: I have two CEL-215s and they have different SN stickers, silkscreen, and PCB fab markings12:25
dkozelI have a Vivado supported JTAG interface so can interrogate them if needed. Also I talked with the Nitefury designer a year or two ago, can ping him if needed to see if there's info available.12:26
dkozelJust picked up an ORICO SCM2T3-G40 Thunderbolt 3 -> m.2 M-key enclosure, should arrive in 20-40 days :D It gets (ab)used for eGPUs so seems to be transparent PCIe. Will report back once it arrives.12:42
dkozelThe wavlink UTE02 is cheaper but has less heatsinking. If the Orico works I'll get a wavlink to try as well since the CEL-215 has a good heatsink and fan already.12:43
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john_k[m]dkozel: I'd be curious to see if the litex project works on both boards15:47
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_florent_dkozel: interesting for the Thunderbolt3 enclosure, that could also be useful to avoid rebooting when re-loading the bitstream15:58
_florent_john_k[m]: do you see others differences between the boards? can you do some pictures if so? Otherwise to get the led-chaser, you only need the 200MHz input and the Leds. Can you check if the 200MHz clock is also there on the boards that are not working?16:02
_florent_also it seems there is a Acorn CLE-101 board:, but i think it should appear on the heatsink16:04
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* CarlFK[m] uploaded an image: 20200522_111134_3321461548451902737.jpg (3150KB) < >16:12
CarlFKpc, netv2, pi - can the pci buss supply power, or should I power the netv2 and or pi also?16:13
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CarlFKkgugala_:      Memory controller: Xilinx Corporation Device 702116:52
tpbTitle: GitHub - antmicro/netv2 at v4l2 (at
CarlFKjuser@cnt4:~$ lspci |grep Xilinx16:53
kgugala_I assume you programmed the FPGA with the bitstream you got?16:57
kgugala_try forcing pcie rescan16:58
CarlFKI pulled the card out, now lspci shows 2 more lines.  that's surprising17:05
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tpbTitle: dpaste/eUYS (Plain Code) (at
kgugalayou can also try to program the fpga and reboot the PC (you'll have to power netv2 with external supply)17:46
CarlFKright now pc is at grub menu17:47
CarlFKprograming with the pi:17:47
CarlFKloaded file top.bit to pld device 0 in 1s 620289us17:47
CarlFKnot booting linux17:47
CarlFKer, now booting linux.  booted.17:49
CarlFKlspci |wc 17 lines ...  how do I rescan pci?17:50
kgugalacheck this SO thread
tpbTitle: linux kernel - How to do a TRUE rescan of PCIe bus - Stack Overflow (at
kgugalarelated question - have you ever seen this device enumerated with any bitstream?17:59
CarlFKnot sure, haven't done much at all until now18:01
CarlFKroot@cnt4:~# echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan18:03
CarlFKlspci, no change18:03
CarlFKthe netv2 is getting power from the pci buss and the pi - should I plug in the 12v barrel too?18:03
kgugalasome time ago you said you have two netv2s (50t and 100t) can you try the other one? this will require rebuilding the bitstream for that part18:05
kgugalathe board should run fine powered from pcie only18:05
CarlFKoh hey, pi runs from that too18:06
CarlFKnetv2-35, fresh out of the bag, no pi...18:10
CarlFKlspci - should I see anything?18:12
CarlFKbecause I don't18:12
CarlFKnothing loaded)18:12
CarlFKI have to run - more on this later.18:21
CarlFKloaded file top.bit to pld device 0 in 1s 636826us18:21
CarlFKbooted linux, lspci |wc 17 (it hides? 2 lines..  seems odd,)18:22
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Findeanyone know if it's possible to run vivado xsim from a different location than xvlog/xelab?18:28
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kgugalaCarlFK[m]: the device will not be enumerated w/o bitstream programmed18:33
kgugalaindeed it seems odd that you have less entries in lspci when you connect netv218:34
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