Saturday, 2020-03-14

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somloso, after RTFMing a bit on the "mmcme2_adv" and "dcm_clkgen" blocks from xilinx, it doesn't look like "ehxplll" on ecp5 can set up for a progammable output frequency14:13
somlowhich means that on ecp5 we'll have a hardcoded sdcard clock that won't be software-adjustable14:13
daveshahYeah, there's no real programmability14:14
somloon the bright side, it should be simple to set up for this n00b :) Downside being it won't be as awesome as it is on xilinx...14:16
somlogoing completely off on a tangent, I don't quite understand the point of an adjustable sdcard clock frequency -- why not just pick the largest value that makes sense (as close to 50MHz as possible) and enjoy? :) I'm sure I'm missing something, but I don't know what...14:22
somlothis might be a question for _florent_, if/when he checks his IRC backlog...14:22
_florent_somlo:the SDCard initialization need to be done at a low frequency. The current clocker module is using a PLL, because i wanted to evaluate the max frequency we were able to achieve, but we could have something that just has 1 clock and a clock divider for the initialization.14:44
somlo_florent_: by "SDCard initialization" do you mean running the sdcard_init() routine in the bios, or something else that happens in the gateware?15:08
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ClaudeSounds like bios , because the actual card initialisation must indeed with maximum 400khz card clock17:53
ClaudeAfter that init the card answers back the highest frequency it supports17:54
ClaudeOr one can ask the card .. better said17:54
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somloClaude: then the "set-clock -> init -> test" sequence here: is probably not telling the whole story18:43
tpbTitle: litesdcard/README at master · enjoy-digital/litesdcard · GitHub (at
somlowe set the sd clock to 10MHz, initialize, then test. I've successfully set the clock to 50, initialized, and tested :)18:44
somloseems like it should be 1. set clock to 10MHz; 2. init; 3. set clock to maximum (as per card init results; 4. test/use/whatever18:45
somloanyway, for now I'll try to get ecp5 working with a 10MHz fixed clock, then we can add the option to switch to something faster later down the road18:47
somloone more thought/question: I was able to successfully run sdinit on all my cards (even the ones that subsequently failed the test), and I was able to successfully sdinit them all at *any* frequency from 10 through 50 MHz18:49
somlois that just the cards being permissive, but not something I should rely on (per the sdcard specs, which I have admittedly *not* read)? :)18:50
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awyglecards are usually fine with initialization at whatever frequency, but it's technically in violation of spec to ask them to be.20:47
awygleyou're supposed to come up in "compatibility' mode which is <400 kHz clock iirc20:47
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somloawygle: yeah, that was my guess, thanks for confirming!21:36
awygleas florent said what we usually do is run a max-rate clock and a clock divider. All internal logic runs at max-rate, the divider only affects the output.21:37

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