Monday, 2020-02-03

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xobsIs there a recommended way to get litex working on a system without much room for a rom?02:42
xobsOn Fomu I hacked it by coming up with my own "bios" target and redirecting it, but that was painful to set up.02:43
xobsEsden is porting litex to the icebreaker, and he'll run into the limitation now02:43
xobsI managed to get the bios to work on Fomu by stripping out almost everything but I gather that's not the recommended way of doing it.02:44
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esdeno/ :)04:16
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xobsSo the thing I did for esden to get it to work was which sets the `rom` memory region to point to just after the bitstream.07:31
tpbTitle: litex-boards/ at icebreaker · xobs/litex-boards · GitHub (at
xobsI had to hack it that way because litex has a check to make sure it's along some boundary, which the address `0x2001a000` doesn't satisfy.  Is there a better way to do that?07:31
_florent_Hi xobs, esden, if you are able to use the SPI Flash to store the BIOS and execute it from there, then that's what i would recommend yes07:38
xobsOkay, he's reported that it works, so that's what I'll stick with.07:39
xobsThe problem comes from the fact that `spiflash` is already at that offset, so I use that trick to avoid that conflict error.07:39
xobsAlso, it's at `0x1a000` from the start, which isn't block-aligned.07:40
_florent_xobs: ok, i'm going to compare what you did with what we use on others designs for that07:43
xobsIt's a common enough pattern, but this is the first time I've decided to try and work with the bios build system rather than scrapping it.  Also he doesn't really need a bootloader or a bios in this case.07:44
_florent_xobs: here is how it's done in litex-buildenv:
tpbTitle: litex-buildenv/ at master · timvideos/litex-buildenv · GitHub (at
_florent_xobs: to define a memory region that will only be used by the linker (and that overlap with another already defined memory region), you can add the "+linker" to the type.07:52
_florent_xobs: but i agree this should be simplified07:53
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mithro_florent_ / xobs: That is something I would like to be solved too08:33
mithro_florent_ / xobs: I really think we should also invest in solving the spiflash issue and finishing of the spi flash module system I was working on08:33
xobsmithro: I think speeding up SPI flash would be more helpful.  esden was having trouble getting anything working because it would time out after 500 ms.08:34
tpbTitle: LiteX SPI Flash Improvements - Google Docs (at
mithroxobs: What was timing out?08:34
xobsEnded up needing to switch to the `lite` core to get the BIOS to finish.08:34
xobsmithro: wishbone.  `wishbone-tool` has a timeout of one second, so if the bridge doesn't respond within that time, it assumes the bus has locked up.08:35
tpbTitle: litex/litex/soc/cores/spi at d7184b97494012a8c21ee93df231b758a61e9dec · mithro/litex · GitHub (at
mithroxobs: I agree that speeding up the core would be good too08:37
xobsIt would help both fomu and icebreaker.08:37
mithroxobs: Putting the spiflash in a different clock domain (which is much faster) would be a big improvement08:39
mithroxobs: Would it help for betrusted at all?08:39
xobsmithro: It might!  One thing I've found is that using 32-bit CSRs gives us much better timing.  I see it meeting up to 60 MHz for the 48 MHz domain, versus the 50 MHz we were seeing before.08:40
mithroxobs: Interesting...08:40
mithro_florent_: I was looking at your changes and I don't feel like all the csr/bus width checking stuff belongs in the area you put it08:42
_florent_mithro: indeed, i was also thinking the same after doing it, but this was just a sketch to show you that we have the same general ideas, i just need to spend more time working on that to refine things09:13
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feigHas anyone built litedram on VC707? I noticed that the V7DDRPHY is there, and the SO-DIMM module is the same as the one used in KC705. So I basically copied the setting(clock freq, termination resistance) for KC705. But the memory initialization failed.21:17
daveshahI think an issue like this was discussed recently21:17
tpbTitle: KC705 DDR3 calibration regression · Issue #361 · enjoy-digital/litex · GitHub (at
feigThank you very much! that helps a lot21:20
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