Friday, 2020-01-17

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mithroYay it seems to be working!00:18
mithroxobs: ^00:18
xobsmithro: yay!00:19
xobsNo Etherbone requests?  That's odd.  What if you use litex-devmem2?00:19
xobsYou should be able to use the `-d` option for "direct" (i.e. no litex_server in between) communication.  For example, `./litex-devmem2 -t -p 1234 -d 0x40000000`00:20
mithroxobs: Etherbone requests are working00:20
mithroIt took me a while to rework the Python code00:20
xobsOh good.  Etherbone over UDP (i.e. in hardware)?  Or, oh!  There was a time delay.00:21
mithroAnd Etherbone over TCP->UDP via the Python bridge00:23
xobs_florent_: let me know when you make that crossover-uart change and I'll remove the _ev_ write from the wishbone bridge.01:40
xobsBut now that I've a working device, I've verified Ethernet support now works in `wishbone-tool`.01:41
xobsI'll release a new version once the crossover patch is in.  But the basic method is to run `wishbone-tool --ethernet-host --csr-csv csr.csv -s gdb`01:43
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scanakci__florent_: I rebased my changes. It is ready for revision. For a reason, travis fails. I checked rocket and vexriscv with simulator and they work fine. Please let me know if anything is breaking previous commit.04:15
scanakci_florent_: Currently, simulation for Litex-BIOS works with --with-sdram. I am working on LiteDRAM for running on FPGA.04:16
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_florent_mithro, xobs: thanks for the feedback on Etherbone, i just set rx_fifo_rx_we to True in LiteX05:34
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_florent_scanakci: thanks, i'll start reviewing the code05:35
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mithro_florent_: Next step is to actually build gateware in
tpbTitle: Conda environment + Travis CI support by mithro · Pull Request #71 · litex-hub/linux-on-litex-vexriscv · GitHub (at
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daveshahsomlo: if you ever get bored of ECP5, I've got the Rocket LiteX Linux example working on an Arty A35 with nextpnr-xilinx (and router2). Takes a while to build, and still a bit hacky, but if you're curious I can send you some instructions -
tpbTitle: untitled - asciinema (at
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somlodaveshah: awesomeness!14:24
somlonow all I need is micro-sd support (guess on the arty we could hook one up via pmod) to boot a pre-populated "real" distro14:28
somlo$DAYJOB will get in the way for the next week or so, but maybe I can start by putting in an order for an arty board :)14:34
somlodaveshah: does it matter (for the purpose of fully-open nextpnr-based workflow) if it's an A35 or an A100? The A100 arty might actually have room for the Rocket's FPU option (just like the nexys4ddr does)14:40
somloalthough the 256MB RAM (while double the nexys or versa) is still nowhere close to even the 1Gig on the trellisboard :)14:41
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daveshahThe A100 isn't supported by prjxray yet, it wouldn't be much work but it wouldn't be out of the box either14:46
daveshahThere's also no DSP support yet so no GPU quite yet14:46
somlodaveshah: understood; while we're at it, is e.g. the nexys4video (512MB DDR3, yay!!!) in a similar situation, prjxray-wise? (it has an A200 chip)14:50
daveshahYes, although I think someone was working on A200 support14:51
somlodaveshah: I'm at a point where I want to be careful about where I spend my (mostly political) capital when asking my boss to buy me stuff :)14:53
daveshahYeah, might be best waiting to see what happens in terms of support before buying anything14:54
somlonot like there isn't ample work for me to still do getting sd support and actually trying to boot a "real" distro14:54
somlofor the *next* FOSDEM ;) (really disappointed about $dayjob scheduling messing up my plans to show up for this upcoming one)14:55
daveshahThe 35T is actually too big for a Rocket+Ethernet SoC with Vivado - it's only the fact that's its really a 50T under the hood that makes it work with nextpnr...14:56
somlodaveshah: is it a 50T that's marginal for some other reason that they determined has enough "good" cells to act as a 35T, or simply a "cheaper to make 50s only and sell lobotomized ones to the cheapskates" pure-marketing thing? :)14:57
daveshahVivado limits resource count, not parts of the chip, so it's not based on any kind of binning, just market segmentation14:58
* somlo is (sadly) not surprised...15:01
daveshahAnd I think Xilinx, Intel and Lattice all do this15:01
daveshahIt does show how much the cost of a mask set affects semiconductor economics15:02
soreareven if masks were free, there’s a significant lead time difference15:07
sorearif the 35 were a smaller chip with its own early masks, they’d need to predict demand 12 weeks earlier15:08
somloit's an *old* trick, too. There's the story (can't find a link) about the 70's IBM mainframe customer who wanted a faster CPU, and after they paid an arm-and-a-leg in upgrade costs, IBM sent over a tech to *remove* the "speed-limiter" they had pre-installed15:12
_florent_daveshah: nice for Rocket on Arty with nextpnr-xilinx!17:02
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