Monday, 2020-01-06

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somlo_florent_: re. endianness, that was a good idea, so I replicated your experiment by diff-ing the dut.v generated by for vexriscv and mor1kx15:06
somloand you're right, there's nothing different at all except for the actual CPU module being linked into the design15:07
somlois it possible that endianness as we see it with the 'mr' command (one byte at a time) is simply a result of how the CPU data pins are connected to the rest of the surrounding verilog?15:09
somloi.e. of how they're exposed by the CPU's internal wiring?15:10
_florent_somlo: i also think it's just how data are organized on the interface for big/little endian architectures, here is  test with vexriscv vs lm32:18:05
tpbTitle: gist:064e7f93d0eb783941db6848f6b41ea3 · GitHub (at
somlo_florent_: ok, I'll write something up about this in issue #314; also, I would like to have memcpy-"like" functionality for >64 CSRs that "just works" regardless of cpu endianness, and knowing where/why the bytes are flipped was a precondition to even beginning to think about that :)18:19
_florent_ok thanks18:19
somlo_florent_, daveshah: unrelated to CSRs, I'm trying to get litesdcard to work on the trellisboard, and I just realized the SDPHYIOS are specific to the FPGA, and currently only Xilinx is supported (
tpbTitle: litesdcard/ at master · enjoy-digital/litesdcard · GitHub (at
somlois there anything already in the works for ecp5/trellisboard?18:21
_florent_somlo: not yet, but i could help. Since the Nexys4DDR has a SD Card slot, maybe you should first test things on it, then switch to the trellisboard.18:24
somloyeah, on nexys4ddr it should be "xc7", for which we already have SDPHYIOS718:27
somloI'm guessing it's a matter of figuring out what the ECP5 equivalent of "IBUFG" and "IDDR[2]" blocks are, and instantiating them instead :)18:31
daveshahThe IBUFG shouldn't be needed at all as it will be promoted anyway18:32
daveshahThe IDDR equivalent is IDDRX1F18:32
somlodaveshah: thanks! so, just assign the clkfb pad directly to sd_fb, and fiddle around some with IDDRX1F18:34
somloI'll do what _florent_ said and get something working on nexys4ddr first, so I know it's not some unrelated stupid thing I did when it won't work on the trellisboard, then I'll take a stab at an ECP5 SDPHYIO, unless somone pre-empts me before then :)18:35
somlo_florent_: if I'm guessing right, litesdcard ignores the "card_detect" pin, is that correct? (
tpbTitle: Nexys 4 DDR Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc] (at

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