Saturday, 2019-12-14

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dkozelmithro: I have one more build error on the Aller target that I'm trying to solve now.02:07
dkozelPR is all good and valid as far as my understanding goes02:07
tpbTitle: Fix numato csr headers by dkozel · Pull Request #24 · litex-hub/litex-boards · GitHub (at
mithro_florent_ is likely to be helpful02:07
mithrodkozel: might want to look at recent changes in LiteX-buildenv too02:08
dkozelI'm probably running the script in the wrong place, it tries to write to ../software/kernel/csr.h which is a directory that doesn't exist so fails02:08
dkozelThanks I'll take a look there. I found buildenv a bit overwhelming in it's automagicness given my lack of experience with LiteX or Migen02:09
dkozelI do have it running in another dir, working through the IceBreaker FuPy tutorial02:09
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dkozelthanks _florent_11:21
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