Friday, 2023-10-06

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #lca-av00:00
*** superoi`lmao- <superoi`lmao-!~zzao_`@freenode-sgu.5in.k2d6q1.IP> has joined #lca-av07:47
superoi`lmao-I wish politicians would look out for miners07:48
superoi`lmao-And not just minors on an island somewhere07:48
superoi`lmao-Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat07:48
superoi`lmao-And the obese milkin’ welfare07:48
superoi`lmao-superoi`lmao- tpb07:48
*** superoi`lmao- <superoi`lmao-!~zzao_`@freenode-sgu.5in.k2d6q1.IP> has left #lca-av ("Glined: User has been banned from the network.")07:48

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