Friday, 2020-01-17

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lcaav-room5Apologies from me. I was suffling people in when the room monitor announced starting. I accidentally put up the green banner on live.00:49
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lcaav-room5rails: I keep hearing a bit of crackling from the lapel. It's on room and headphone audio. It' not clipping though.01:20
railssounds like radio01:23
railsis the room monitor turning off the handheld when he's not using it?01:23
lcaav-room5I think so. No audio on the mixer when he's talking from the HH.01:24
railsvenue av will come look01:24
railslet me know what goes on please01:29
lcaav-room5AV guy says I know what's going on. Watch his hands. Every now and then he'll come in close to the lapel mic. I'd say his shirt moves just enough too.01:30
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lcaav-room5rails: That may be wrong. Can you watch for a bit?01:43
railsis av tech still there?01:43
railslcaav-room5: pan down camera slightly, there's a fair bit of headroom above her01:45
lcaav-arenalaptop for speaker just went black to us01:45
railsdid the cable disconnect?01:46
lcaav-arenaI can't tell01:46
lcaav-arenaI think it was the slide01:46
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CarlFKxfxf:  good?
tpbTitle: Index of /pub/ (at
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tpbTitle: veyepar: Open collaborations: leadership succession and leadership success (at
BenTomlcaav-room9: if they've just got slides they could load them onto a usb stick and borrow a laptop03:22
lcaav-room9she already left for the power cable.03:23
lcaav-room9thanks tho03:23
lcaav-room9we will start a little bit late03:31
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lcaav-room5Quote from LT: "I'd like to see all of you before you go tday. It's OK, it's good"03:38
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xfxfreminder that after the last session today, leave everything running in the room, don't pack anything up, but bring back the recording sheets to us03:39
xfxfthanks everyone for your help today - you've all been awesome.  make sure you make it to the final sessions in Arena, they're usually pretty fun03:40
lcaav-room9her laptop has an issue.03:43
lcaav-room9she will try different laptop03:44
lcaav-room5rails: One of these boxes is beeping up here. I have no idea but I don't like it.03:55
lcaav-room5rails: Orange grab is complaining about low battery, but it looks connected.03:57
railsmake sure it is03:59
railsis it beeping loudly?03:59
lcaav-room7get CTF in, the bomb has been planted ;)04:00
lcaav-room5rails: It was. It thankfully only did it twice. Scared me.04:00
railsavcore is on way04:00
xfxflcaav-room5: have you checked ALL of the power?  i.e. where it's plugged into the power board?04:01
xfxfsomebody may have accidentally kicked it out04:01
lcaav-room5Switch would be down if it was all out.04:02
lcaav-room5Someone is here now.04:02
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lcaav-room5When do the videos make their way to ?04:40
railsthey are on their way iirc04:40
railsto quote CarlFK and evil_steve: LCA videos can be rsync'd from the LA mirror "soon" "maybe 30 minutes" "an hour tops"04:43
CarlFKone is up!04:50
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CarlFKsadly, they are going appear .. um.. we made up some math and came up with 1 talk every 5 min04:53
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lcaav-room5CarlFK: how do you rsync them? I assume there's more than just HTTP to expose the videos.05:19
lcaav-room5CarlFK: nvm, worked it out.05:20
lcaav-arenalcaav-room5: you don't need to rsync anything, we're doing that05:24
lcaav-room5GIVING A DEMO!!!05:30
lcaav-room5STOP IT!!!05:30
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railslcaav-arena: uh oh05:39
railslcaav-arena: uh oh05:39
railslcaav-arena: uh oh05:39
railslcaav-arena: uh oh05:39
railslcaav-arena: uh oh05:39
railsit works, right?05:40
* lcaav-arena rage quits irc ;)05:40
railsuh oh05:40
lcaav-arena(also yes, it works)05:40
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